
查看11 | 回复3 | 2006-12-23 12:57:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.He was on his way to town when I met him.2.A knife can be used to cut flesh.3.The tennis player now is ranking third all around the world.4.Please don not get/write something down below this line.5.Did you see him com in?6.He is a member of the University Instructor Union.7.Edison is a famous inventer in the world.8.The flight has been informed to take off at 6:00.9.He believes that his writing plan will achieves an eventual success.10.He's so clever that he learned to operate the computer quikly楼上的太Chinglish(中国英语)了尤其是第2、3、4、5、8、9、10还有语病

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千问 | 2006-12-23 12:57:17 | 显示全部楼层
1. When I run into him, he is coming up toward the town. 2. The knife can use for to slice meat. 3. This tennis movement is places the world third. 4. Please do not have in to write in this coarse thread under. 5. You have seen him to come in? 6. He is university teacher federation's. 7. Edison is in the world a renowned inventor. 8. The airplane receives informs 6 to take off. 9. He believed his writing plan eventually can succeed. 10. He very intelligent, therefore he was very quick can operate thecomputer.

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千问 | 2006-12-23 12:57:17 | 显示全部楼层
1.When I run into him, he is coming up toward the town. 2. knives can use for to slice meat. 3. this tennis movements are place the world third. 4. please do not have in to write in this line under. 5. you have seen him to come in? 6. he is university teacher federation's one. 7. Edison is in the world a renowned inventor. 8. airplanes receive inform 6 to take off. 9. he believed his writing plan can succeed eventually. 10. he is very intelligent, therefore he very quick could operate the computer.

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千问 | 2006-12-23 12:57:17 | 显示全部楼层
1.When I run into him, he is coming up toward the town.2.A knife can be used to cut flesh. 3.The tennis player now is ranking third all around the world. 4.Please don not get/write something down below this line. 5.Did you see him com in? 6.He is a member of the University Instructor Union. 7.Edison is a famous inventer in the world. 8. airplanes receive inform 6 to take off.10He is so clever that he can operate the computer soon9. he believed his writing plan can succeed eventually

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