星际争霸1.08与1.14 有什么不同或者说特点

查看11 | 回复3 | 2009-6-12 10:16:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2009-6-12 10:16:00 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2009-6-12 10:16:00 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2009-6-12 10:16:00 | 显示全部楼层
patch 1.14.0--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Feature Changes功能改进- For Top vs. Bottom games, the default chat filter is now 'Chat To Allies'.- 在Top vs. Bottom游戏模式下,默认的聊天模式为"Chat To Allies"(队友模式)- In-game chat messages now show the speaker's name in his/her team color.- 游戏中的聊天信息将以发布者队伍的颜色显示发布者的名字- Users can now use the mouse wheel to scroll chat and selection boxes in Windows 98 (or later) and Macintosh OS X.无论是Windows系统还是Mac系统,玩家可以用鼠标滚轮选择交谈的对象- Screen shots now use a time/date stamp; they are no longer limited to 100.截图显示时间/日期信息,取消100张图的限制- The high-color application icon from the Macintosh version is now used on PC.在PC机上采用了原先苹果机上的高清晰图标- Small corrections to the Lost Temple and Dire Straits maps.细微修改了Lost Temple和Dire Straits两张地图Bug FixesBug修正- Fixed Hatchery cancellation crash bug.- 修正了虫族主基地取消时导致游戏崩溃的Bug- Fixed crash that can occur when SCVs are repairing a unit boarding a Dropship.- 修正了SCV正在维修单位的时候,该单位进入运输机造成游戏崩溃的Bug- Fixed crash when Mac users very quickly cancel connection to Battle.net.- 修正了Mac用户在快速取消与战网连接时导致游戏崩溃的Bug- Fixed a scoring bug that gave Zerg unit points for building cancellation.- 修正了虫族取消建筑物后,仍然增加积分的计分Bug- Users can now take screen shots on Macintosh OS X.- 玩家现在可以在Macintosh OS X系统上给星际截图- Updated Battle.net account creation information text.- 更新Battle.net新建用户的注册信息界面- Logging onto an account closed for a Battle.net Terms of Service violationwill now say the account is closed, rather than 'invalid password'.- 登录帐号关闭的出错信息由原来的密码错误改为帐户关闭- Fixed bug preventing Portuguese StarCraft clients from receiving patches from Battle.net.Portuguese users must still patch to this level manually, butsubsequent patches can be obtained automatically from Battle.net.- 修正了葡萄牙版星际客户端无法从战网升级的Bug,但葡萄牙用户仍需手动升级到1.14版,更高版本的补丁可以自动升级- No longer displays control characters in Battle.net's map description pane.- 不再在Battle.net战网地图中显示操作说明- Color codes and control codes are no longer allowed in chat messages.- 颜色代码和操作代码将在聊天信息中禁止使用- Fixed a crash in StarEdit when attempting to save modified Blizzard maps.- 修正了在地图编辑器中,保存修改后的官方地图时造成游戏崩溃的Bug- Fixed undesired text wrapping in Spanish and Portuguese Battle.net screens.- 修正了西班牙语和葡萄牙语界面中的禁语界面- Fixed a rare crash in multiplayer games.- 修正了一种罕见的多人对战时导致游戏崩溃的BugExploits漏洞修复- Fixed the Nydus Canal cancellation bug that allowed creating a mobile exit.- 修正了取消虫族传送门后,可建造一个移动出口的Bug- Fixed two exploits that allowed players to gain minerals very quickly.- 修正了2处允许玩家加快采集资源速度的Bug- Fixed exploit with Arbiter that allowed Zerg buildings to become cloaked.- 修正了通过仲裁使虫族建筑隐形的Bug- Fixed exploit that allowed units to kill themselves instantly.- 修正了允许单位瞬间自杀的Bug- Fixed exploit that allowed Command Center infestation without a Queen.- 修正了人族基地不需要皇后就能被污染的Bug- Fixed exploit that allowed Command Center infestation from a distance.- 修正了远距离污染人族基地的Bug- Fixed exploit that allowed players to float Zerg Drones over obstacles.- 修正了虫族农民漂浮并穿越障碍的Bug- Fixed exploit that allowed worker units to mine at a distance.- 修正了远距离采矿的Bug- Fixed exploit that allowed Terran buildings to lift off while training units.- 修正了人族建筑在生产单位时还能够起飞的Bug- Fixed exploit that allowed SCVs to repair Protoss buildings.- 修正了SCV可以维修神族建筑物的Bug- Fixed exploit that allowed SCVs to detach Larvae from Hatcheries.- 修正了SVB可以使虫族幼虫脱离虫族基地的Bug- Fixed exploit that allowed morphing Terran and Protoss buildings.- 修正了人族和神族建筑物变形的Bug- Fixed exploit that allowed buildings to be stacked on top of each other.- 修正了建筑物可以叠加放置的Bug- Playing against illegally named players on Battle.net no longer results in adisconnect game result.- 与非正常名字的玩家对战将不会导致断线的结果参考资料:http://www.playsc.com/BBS/viewthread.php?tid=124052


使用道具 举报

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