
查看11 | 回复0 | 2007-2-11 12:12:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I do not want not, sometimes it is really beyond our own. Extreme pain ..! Said University, In addition to her own future, I can only think that she is far from being watched, even killing someone in her own eyes. In addition to the tears shed itself is not worth the money on the feeling nothing. say : I am sorry. Oh… What is the value of time .. Saying Sorry. Although I will work hard, but in reality there would still be a gap. In this connection, I understand that people are unique, each has its own weaknesses. I think the weakness is often unable to afford practice. After listening to her a lot, really feeling better than before. But to an extent, I suddenly changed numb. nobody wants to do. But there is always good and bad. Although reconciled. But the other thing My pain is unbearable, crushed my heart. I do not want to say any more on the. She is worried. afraid I would harm her. But I really really responsible for. really really want. the appearance of a good performance. The injury is difficult to insist that they continue beating heart, which is perhaps the so-called camouflage. I do not bad, huh, huh. cling to her. Tears flow out of the mouth maintaining a smile. The most important thing is strong, Even if they could no longer bear their own. not let the beloved people have lost their sense of security, because I have had a heavy injury. She also no longer bear the pain in the loss. not unconscious. Now that I think back, everything, the problem is only a matter of time. I "work" change - perhaps I can take her to go this far.

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