
查看11 | 回复8 | 2007-2-3 19:23:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hi, If you are feeling in emotional distress or have suicidal feelings we are here for you. We can listen, but we don't provide advice. We can try to explore any negative emotions with you. . 疑似广告~如果你情绪低落甚至有自杀倾向,我们可以帮上忙.我们可以倾听但不会提供建议.我们可以发现你更多潜在的消极情绪.Samaritans provides confidential emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress and despair, including those which may lead to suicide.撒马利坦会为承受失落绝望情绪的人们提供积极情绪支持Callers remain responsible for their own lives and do not lose the right to make decisions, even if that decision is to take their own life. 这句是说,你即便来找我们寻求帮助,依然有自主决定自己死活的权利.Our mailbox is read every day by trained volunteers, using the name 'Jo'. Messages are read and usually replied to within 24 hours. 我们有训练有素的志愿者,他们统一用"JO"这个名字,我们会在24小时内回复你.The Samaritans is a registered charity, number 219432. 撒马利坦会是个慈善组织It is the co-ordinating body for the 203 branches in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland, all of which are constituted as independent registered charities (or the equivalent). A trained Samaritans volunteer from one of the 203 branches has written this email.这个组织在英国和爱尔兰共有203个分支,他们地位平等,各自作为独立的慈善组织.这203个分会中的一个志愿者写了这封信.还果然是广告~

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千问 | 2007-2-3 19:23:38 | 显示全部楼层
嗨, 如果你正在情绪的苦恼中感觉或者有自杀的感觉我们为你在这里. 我们能听, 但是我们不提供忠告. 我们能试着探究任何的否定情绪藉由你. . 情人_______________________________________________________ Samaritans 提供机密的情绪支持经历苦恼和绝望的感觉人们, 包括那些可能带领自杀. 来电者负责他们自己的生命而且做不失去权利作出决定, 即使那决定是轮流他们自己的生活. 我们的邮筒每天被训练的志愿者读, 使用名字 ' 情人'. 信息被读和通常答复 24 小时之内. Samaritans 是一个注册的慈善, 219432 号。 资讯科技是共为 203 纵线身体部门在那爱尔兰的英国和共和国 , 全部都是构成如登记慈善的中立派 ( 或那同等物). 被训练的 Samaritans 志愿者从一203个部门已经写这一封电子邮件.

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千问 | 2007-2-3 19:23:38 | 显示全部楼层
Hi, If you are feeling in emotional distress or have suicidal feelings we are here for you. We can listen, but we don't provide advice. We can try to explore any negative emotions with you. . Jo _______________________________________________________ Samaritans provides confidential emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress and despair, including those which may lead to suicide. Callers remain responsible for their own lives and do not lose the right to make decisions, even if that decision is to take their own life. Our mailbox is read every day by trained volunteers, using the name 'Jo'. Messages are read and usually replied to within 24 hours. The Samaritans is a registered charity, number 219432. It is the co-ordinating body for the 203 branches in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland, all of which are constituted as independent registered charities (or the equivalent). A trained Samaritans volunteer from one of the 203 branches has written this email.嗨,如果你正在情绪的苦恼感觉或者有自杀的我们为你在这里的感觉。 我们能听, 但是我们不提供忠告。 我们能试着探究任何的否定情绪藉由你。 。 情人_______________________________________________________Samaritans 提供机密的情绪支持人们经历苦恼和绝望的感觉,包括那些哪一个可能带领自杀。 来电者负责他们自己的生命而且做不失去那正确地作出决定, 即使那决定将采取他们自己的生活。 我们的邮筒每天被训练的志愿者读,使用名字 '情人' 。 信息被读和通常在 24 小时之内答复了。 Samaritans 是一个注册的慈善, 219432 号。 是共在为 203 部门纵线身体在那英国和爱尔兰的共和国 , 全部都是构成了如独立的注册慈善 (或那同等物). 被训练的 Samaritans 志愿者从一203个部门已经写这一封电子邮件。

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千问 | 2007-2-3 19:23:38 | 显示全部楼层

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千问 | 2007-2-3 19:23:38 | 显示全部楼层
喂, 如果您感觉在情感困厄或有自杀 感觉我们在这里为您。我们能听, 仅我们don't 提供忠告。我们能设法探索所有消极情感 与您。 . Jo Samaritans 提供机要情感支持为 居于体验困厄和绝望的感觉, 包括那些也许导致自杀。 访问者保留负责任他们自己的生活和 不丢失权利做出决定, 既使那 决定将需要他们自己的生活。 我们的邮箱读的每天由训练的志愿者, 使用名字'Jo' 。消息读和通常 回复在24 小时之内。 Samaritans 是登记的慈善, 第号219432 。 这是co-ordinating 身体为203 个分支在 英国和爱尔兰共和国, 是 构成作为独立登记的慈善(或 等值) 。一个训练的Samaritans 志愿者从一 203 个分支写了这电子邮件。Hi,嗨If you are feeling in emotional distress or have suicidal 如果你感到有情绪上的忧伤苦恼,或是有想自杀的念头feelings we are here for you. We can listen, but we don't 我们在这里帮助你provide advice. We can try to explore any negative emotions with you. 给予你忠告。 我们会尽量寻找出你的负面情绪问题. Jo _______________________________________________________ Samaritans provides confidential emotional support for 好心人 (乐善好施)协会的成员为那些遭遇到苦恼、失意而想到去自寻短见提供机密的感情或情绪上的支持people experiencing feelings of distress and despair, including those which may lead to suicide. Callers remain responsible for their own lives and do not lose the right to make decisions, even if that decision is to take their own life. 但打电话来求助的人要对自己的生命负责,就算他还想自杀,他并没有丧失作出最后决定的权力Our mailbox is read every day by trained volunteers, using the name 'Jo'. Messages are read and usually replied to within 24 hours. 我们的有受过训练的义工以祖(Jo)的名字,每天都会打开邮箱,读你们的求援信件。他们也尽快在24小时之内作出回复The Samaritans is a registered charity, number 219432. It is the co-ordinating body for the 203 branches in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland, all of which are constituted as independent registered charities (or the equivalent). A trained Samaritans volunteer from one of the 203 branches has written this email.好心人 (乐善好施) 协会是一个注册的慈善团体,注册号码是219432它和英国及爱尔兰共和国的其他的203支行携手合作。每个支行是个独立有注册的刺伤团体。所有203家支行的已受训的好心人义工都写过这电邮。

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