
查看11 | 回复2 | 2009-10-31 09:20:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Reasons for selecting this University:1. this is a university enjoys sound reputation with such a long history, ranks around Top 100 in USA. Its journalism department ranks the peak of all its kind in America. The famous journalist N.( writer of The red star over China) was graduated from it.2. It locates in the middle area of America, with a similar climate as my hometown, population structure is comparatively simple which is better for study than in metropolis.3. High enrollment rate of 85%, I am confident to be enrolled in.

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千问 | 2009-10-31 09:20:21 | 显示全部楼层
选择此大学的 理由:1.此大学是历史悠久的美国名校,全美排名100左右。它的新闻系全美第一。著名的记者斯诺(著The red star over China)就是毕业于此校新闻系2.此大学地处美国中部,气候与我家乡相似,人员结构相对简单,比繁华大都市更利于学习3.此大学录取率较高,达到85%,我有把握上这所学校 翻译:::::::::::Select the University of reasons: 1. This university is a long history of the U.S. elite, the nation's top 100 or so. It's the nation's first journalism. Well-known journalist Edgar Snow (with The red star over China) is a graduate of the University Department of Journalism2. The University is located in the central United States, climate and similar to my hometown, personnel structure is relatively simple and is more conducive to learning than the bustling metropolis3. This higher rate of university admissions, 85%, I have a grasp on this school

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千问 | 2009-10-31 09:20:21 | 显示全部楼层
The reason for choosing the university: 1. The university is the famous American history, the ranking 100 or so. It's the first journalism. The famous journalists snow (with The star over China ep-red is graduated from The school)2 the university is located in Central America, the climate is similar with my hometown, structure, the metropolis is relatively easy to learn more than3 this year, reach 85% higher college, I have confidence in this school

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