
查看11 | 回复3 | 2009-11-13 21:23:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
厄~~~这个看起来像是在和外国人叫板 本来不想翻译的 毕竟我爱好和平 但是不能让他们觉得中国人好欺负 所以我还是翻译了 不是字对字翻译的 因为觉得更恰当 所以某些地方做了改动 也加了点东西 嘿嘿 本来想骂人的 但是有些话 要用说的才有气势 而且 不能给他们留下你们威胁人的证据(在我看来 你准备以书面形式交流 恩恩 所以 我没翻译要砸车的那一段)所以我改成了文明的吓唬 【自作聪明中~~赫赫】What do you mean to do? lying and kiding again? Are you happy this way? You got to know I had been waiting for you today for the whole day! And you failed me. I have told you to pay the electricity bills twice and obviously failed for both times! We have no choices but to pay all by ourselves, up to 400 Euros. I believe all of us know that we are not supposed to do so because that is your responsibility. If you want to cheat in front of us, my advice is be prepared for the consequences. Although it may be a foreign country to us,we believe every country in the world is run under laws, in front of which, everybody is equal.We may consider this final and powerful weapon and please never force us to do so. I do not know whether you realise that we have one similarity, that we both do not have restaurants(饭店 从厨师 我推断出来 应该是饭店). To make it clearer, we do not have much to consider before taking action, just like you. You should and have to explain everything to us, in addition, return our money. Otherwise, consequences are waiting for you, either by us, or through laws, most importantly, by God. Never forget, God is watching you!!我加了不少 意思如下:你什么意思 又骗我们? 这样你很开心吗 要知道我今天特地开门等你过来 居然 骗我 还有 跟你讲 上次叫你交的 电费 让你交了2次 2次都没有成功 都停电了 400多欧元 全部我们自己在去 邮电局交了。 如果你想要骗我们,我的建议是准备接受后果吧。就算对我们来说,这里是外国,但是我们相信每个国家都是法律统治的。而且法律对谁都是公平的。我们有可能会考虑使用这个最后并且是最有力的武器,所以不要逼我们。我不知道你有没有发现我们之间有个共同点:我们都没有店。也就是和你一样,在采取行动以前,我们都没太多可顾及的。你应该也必须跟我们解释这一切,并且还我们钱。否则的话,后果自负,当然后果有很多种,要么是我们,要么是通过法律,要么是上帝。永远都不要忘记,上帝看着你(因为外国人一般信仰上帝 所以我+的)【不要明目张胆的威胁 外国人很会在这方面做文章】

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千问 | 2009-11-13 21:23:17 | 显示全部楼层
对于二楼的诚心使我没有必要再 献上我的回答.support 2楼

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千问 | 2009-11-13 21:23:17 | 显示全部楼层
What do you mean they cheated us? So that you do want to know that I am very happy today, specially opened the door waiting for you come there to tell you the last time I actually cheated ask you to pay the electricity you pay 2 times 2 times without success, are without power, all of us of more than 400 euros himself to the post office to pay, you get money or how is it? Do you think we are here to mess with us like you do not have their own shop in what we are doing out if you do not cook it very clear that the first hit you in dealing with motorcycle you are not a question of money is that you are playing us! Either their money back or you'll have to see

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千问 | 2009-11-13 21:23:17 | 显示全部楼层
What do you mean and cheat us? So you will know me very happy today? You should come here open tricked me and tell you that the last time you make you pay the electricity 2 times no success are 2 times more than 400 euros power in all our own post made, you are cheating money or what? Do you think we blame here? We just like you, we have own store anything if you don't account for the first hit you with your motorcycle money isn't the problem you are kidding us! Either you or your money back at his office

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