
查看11 | 回复1 | 2009-11-18 15:17:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
How to be an honest peopleMaybe every one would be asked by his parents or teachers to be an honest person. You may ask how to be an honest person. It is an interesting and tough question. As far as I am concerned, to be an honest person means having a personal standard of morality and ethics that does not sell out to expediency and that is not relative to the situation at hand. Integrity is an inner standard for judging your behavior. So your behavior should follow three key principles. First, stand firmly for your convictions in the face of personal pressure. Second, when you know you are right, you cannot back down. Third, be honest and open about who you really are. You should know you are either honest or you aren't. There is no in between. As a saying goes, ‘Life is like a field of newly fallen snow; where I choose to walk every step will show.’ Remember that self-respect and a clear conscience are powerful components of integrity and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others.

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2009-11-18 15:17:16 | 显示全部楼层
"Honest and trustworthy" is my daily required course. At any time, any occasion, these four characters is always with me and line, being honest and trustworthy is a student the most basic morality. It makes my life more brilliant and more brilliant.It was a floating orange Huang Guangjing beautiful evening, I went to a stationery shop and bought a composition book. Because customers are more like aunts salesperson as soon as possible for customers to buy items, I am going to put up their own. I took a book later, out of the stationery store, feeling a bit wrong: This is how the book so thick it? I look closely you'll see that the book linked the two. "Ah!" I am not only happy cried. I hobbled down to the house was going to run, I heard of kids beside her, said: "Auntie how to find more of a dime? I'm going back to her." This sentence is like soon as Julei to me from such as dream-like heaven and earth in the wake, and I ran back fast to stationery store, will that one does not belong to my composition book back in its original place. While this is a mundane little things, but if not promptly turn over a lead to disastrous consequences. Make an honest and trustworthy person, someone else will get more trust and understanding.Remember, I have still been precious life - friendship, may be innocent but deep friendship that I have been away easily sway the simple reason, it is bad faith.This happened a long and not ordinary day school to be carried out calligraphy competition, Li Li said her pen can not be used, and wants to buy one, but I stopped her, saying: "Ms Lee, do not buy , and I have two pens, a bar tomorrow, I shall take you. "She excitedly said loudly:" Thank you! "may-day unpredictable things can happen, but why at this time I lost," chain "leg accidentally falls in . My mother hurried to take me to the dressing, is over, I hurriedly went to school, forget Lee Lai-holding pens for the matter. I dare not tell her, but she will eventually know. A moment later, she came to me to take a fountain pen, and I said: "You asked me if I borrow a pen, you do not know my leg falls, and you do not buy their own? I said, to lend you, that was yesterday Today, I plan and only one, you have to go borrow someone else. "This language is like eye a few days cannon thunderbolt hit her head, a heart filled with hope to be pouring cold water went out. This incident led to my dissatisfaction with many of my classmates, then on, I'm like a forgotten people, farther and farther away from the students. I understand from a truth: that only can be based on honesty and trustworthiness in the crowd.Honesty and trustworthiness is a fundamental in life, so I have to send you one sentence: not everyone can become a great man, but everyone can make an honest person, only honest and trustworthy, able to win friends and fun.

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