
查看11 | 回复2 | 2007-6-21 07:32:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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千问 | 2007-6-21 07:32:03 | 显示全部楼层
1. design and the designer's status and role of a "green design" of the 20th century,.The late 1980s and emerging in the international design trend. Early in the 20th century, the end of the 1960s the famous industrial designer and educator-dimensional multi-Peimonike published in the design sector primer with a strong response to the book "The reality of life and Design", the book, at the time a unique perspective, He believed the things surrounding us are created by designers, Designers in sales, marketing and client satisfaction rating, is not just playing "beautification" role Designers should also be stressed that the social and moral ethical values. This book has a far-reaching impact on the continuation of today. Entering into the 21st century, governments around the world because of the environmental issue. And regulations on environmental protection, the establishment of inter-enterprise competition make ideal color with the "green design" trend gradually has practical significance. Based on environmental issues and understand the importance, people from the 20th century to the 1960s, is too radical "Green Movement" development of the current relatively mature "green consumption" acts, "Green Design" will bring a new opportunity. Product designers as the main instigators and creators. right product at various stages of the environmental issues will have a direct and indirect impact. In particular, they are often decided by the selection of products of the main materials, how to manufacture products? what special surface treatments to achieve the ultimate effect on the surface? how to use the product? after how to deal with the waste? whether or not to use recyclable or recycled materials? Designers of many issues that play a decisive role. More importantly, the designer is a link between the products and the tie between. They can guide and influence people using the product, while those responsible products and services. Design of impact on people's lifestyles, social and cultural change. It had gradually habits through the design to reflect their social status and personal taste. Design is "consumption" of the promoters, and products from the format of "planned revocation" and accelerate the pace of the replacement products. Design is also involved in advertising activities, thus further stimulate consumption. Designed to social and cultural changes occurred, and most of them represent a certain lifestyle, Therefore, in theory, the "green lifestyle" may also be known and replicated, This lifestyle is not unusual to be thrifty, but to promote a simple and low-key as possible lifestyle. Industrial design, the commercial value of the increasingly large number of manufacturers have been recognized and valued. Many designers in the research and development department charged with the Herculean task, All of this allows designers have the opportunity to demonstrate their handling of environmental issues, and the environmental problems of moral responsibility. "Green Design" from the scope of the non-mainstream areas of the field expanded to the mainstream.

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2007-6-21 07:32:03 | 显示全部楼层
分明是在捣乱啊你 如果你诚信想翻译怎么弄这么长我要反问了你翻译这个的意义是什么 无聊可以选别的事情去做。这个显得你很庸俗。

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