
查看11 | 回复1 | 2007-7-3 22:02:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I think writing a letter is better than making a phone call because you can write down some words that you are not able to say and show the true feeling.Writing letter is an old way, it can be keeped and be meanful if you take a look after a long time, people will have more memeory when looking the letters. Writing letter will prove smooth mood and space for taking thought because you can peacely arrange your life, cultivate feeling when you write letters. How cordial to arrange your thought and record to share with relatives! You just spend a litter time after work but passing happiness and understanding to people, and left the key to open the wisdow door to yourself.Now people have mobiles already, but the feeling of writing letteris still worth to remember.

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千问 | 2007-7-3 22:02:01 | 显示全部楼层
In my opinion, writing a letter is better than talking on the phone, it’s because when you write a letter, it is possible to tell them some thingsyou would normally not be able to say in person. You can tell them your true feelings.writing a letter is an old-fashion way of communicating, you can keep letters, they’re memorable, something they can keep. Writing a letter offers people a quiet time to reflect.spend some time to rearrage your thoughts, note them down and share them with your friends. It doesn’t require much time, yet it’s rewarding, it brings happiness and people together, encourages you to think and reflect, it’s the key to wisdom. Even thought everyone nowadays have a mobile phone, I still miss the feeling of writing

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