
查看11 | 回复0 | 2007-7-20 22:09:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Constabt effort brings success Guaiya said"If you save one coin a day, you will get one thousand coins after one thousand days.The rope can make the wood broken, and the water can make the stone a hole." The meaning is that the water keeps droping and it can make a hole on the stone after a long time.It tell us that constabt effort brings success. Story Long long ago,there was a person called Zhang Guaiya and he was the head of a county.At that time the obiits always insulted the generals and the beadles entrenched the chief.Guaiya wanted to make an change to chastise their doings. One day,when Guaiya was perambulating, he saw a obiit coming out from the government office in a hurry. Guaiya asked him to stop and found there was a coin in his headband.After looking into, the obiit couldn't help admitting that he had stolen the money from the government office. Guaiya sent the obiit to his office and wanted to punish him.But the obiit said angrily "there is noting big to stole a coin ,and it needn't punish me.You just can beat me but can not kill me." Guaiya heard that, saying without hesitate"If you save one coin a day, you will get one thousand coins after one thousand days.The rope can make the wood broken, and the water can make the stone a hole." After judging that ,Guaiya put away the pen ,took out the sword and beheaded the obiit by himself

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