
查看75 | 回复75 | 2007-8-7 10:06:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
There are moments in our lifes we find ourselves at a crossroad. 生命中的许多时候,我们发现自己正处在一个十字路口。afraid, confused, without a roadmap.恐惧,迷茫,没有一个方向。The choices we make at those moments can define the rest of our days.这时的抉择往往能注定我们的一生。Of course, when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back.当然,在被未来对峙挑战时,我们大多选择了逃避

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千问 | 2007-8-7 10:06:13 | 显示全部楼层
There are moments in our lifes we find ourselves at a crossroad. 每一个人都会遇到自己人生的十字路口。afraid, confused, without a roadmap.没有地图的我们心中充满恐慌与迷惑。The choices we make at those moments can define the rest of our days.而在十字路口所做的抉择往往会决定我们的余生。Of course, when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back.当然了,在面临不明未来之时,大部分人更倾向于退缩而非前行。

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千问 | 2007-8-7 10:06:13 | 显示全部楼层
哼.我也来说说.There are moments in our lifes we find ourselves at a crossroad. 有些时候我们将在人生的十字路口上面临着选择.afraid, confused, without a roadmap. (在没有目标的时候,我们会感到)恐惧,困惑,迷茫。The choices we make at those moments can define the rest of our days. 关键的是我们在这个时候所做的选择可以决定我们以后的日子。Of course, when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back.然而,在面对未知的世界,大多数人会逃避现实,选择继续以前的生活.

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千问 | 2007-8-7 10:06:13 | 显示全部楼层
There are moments in our lifes (that) we find ourselves at a crossroad that后面的是个从句,修饰moments.人生的很多时候,我们都会发觉自己站在十字路口。afraid, confused, without a roadmap. (在没有方向的时候,我们会感到)恐惧,困惑,迷茫。The choices (we make) (at those moments) can define the rest of our days. 关键的是我们在这个时候所做的选择可以决定我们以后的日子。Of course, when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back. 然而,在面对未知的世界,大多数人会逃避现实,选择继续以前的生活。

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千问 | 2007-8-7 10:06:13 | 显示全部楼层
在生命的旅途中,我们常常发现自己正站在在人生的十字入口上,带着惶恐,带着迷茫...只是没有带人生的地图.这时候的抉择可以决定我们的日后的时光.当然,面对这些未知的终点,我们大部分人宁愿选择回转身,原路返回。 楼主,绝对人性。。。文段统一。。。我们一起的时光常感到某些时刻我你像不见了路标一样站在十字路口处恐惧 迷茫此时我们任何的抉择都系关时以后的岁月当然在面对不测未来多数人宁愿掉头回返我们应该也会……

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千问 | 2007-8-7 10:06:13 | 显示全部楼层

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千问 | 2007-8-7 10:06:13 | 显示全部楼层
There are moments in our lifes we find ourselves at a crossroad. afraid, confused, without a roadmap.The choices we make at those moments can define the rest of our days.Of course, when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back.在我们生活中,有时候会发现自己站在十字路口。恐惧,疑惑,没有路标。这个时候我们做出的决定可能会决定我们的余生。当然,面对无所知的事物,我们当中大部分人会选择转过头往回走

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千问 | 2007-8-7 10:06:13 | 显示全部楼层
这句话好像在哪里见过?There are moments in our lifes we find ourselves at a crossroad.人生中我们经常会站在面临选择的十字路口上。afraid, confused, without a roadmap.恐惧,困惑,迷茫。The choices we make at those moments can define the rest of our days.在这些时刻我们作出的选择可以决定我们以后的日子。Of course, when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back.当然了,当我们面对未知数时,我们中的大多数会选择转身返回。

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千问 | 2007-8-7 10:06:13 | 显示全部楼层
There are moments in our lifes we find ourselves at a crossroad.总有许多时刻,我们发现自己走在了人生的十字路口。afraid, confused, without a roadmap. 恐慌,茫然,迷失了方向。The choices we make at those moments can define the rest of our days. 而恰恰这些时刻的抉择能决定我们未来的日子。Of course, when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back.当然,在这种无助的时刻,许许多多的人选择了退缩。人生的很多时候,我们都会发觉自己站在十字路口。有畏惧,有困惑,迷失了前行的方向。此时,我们的选择将决定我们的余生。而实际情况是,当面对未来的不可预知,我们绝大多数人却宁愿选择回转身,原路返回。 这个好,没错!

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千问 | 2007-8-7 10:06:13 | 显示全部楼层
There are moments in our lifes we find ourselves at a crossroad. afraid, confused, without a roadmap.The choices we make at those moments can define the rest of our days.Of course, when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back.常常不期然地发现,我们又一次站在了人生的十字路口,没有路标,于是恐惧和迷茫充斥了整个脑海。我们此时的抉择,足以决定我们的一生。然而,面对前路的不可知,大多数人理所当然的选择了退却。参考资料:可以采用了,搂主!很不错了!


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