
查看11 | 回复3 | 2021-3-5 02:17:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I would like to inform you that today we have proceeded to doing some important changes to how we will handle Overdue Invoices.
* Services will be suspended 3 days after the due date noted in the Invoice, this was previously 5 days
* Services will be terminated 7 days after the due date noted in the Invoice, this was previously 20 days

We are able to extend an Invoice due date assuming the customer has been in good standing with past payments and has no active Abuse Complaints filed for the Service. For registered HostRail Resellers Invoices can be extended, Abuse Complaints and past payments are not taken into account as we do not hold Resellers directly responsible for late payments nor for Abuse Complaints
I would like to apologize for sending multiple times Invoices and Invoice Reminders today however it was due to the fact that we were working on re-configuring the system to incorporate the changes mentioned above.
Additionally as of today we are becoming more strict on our handling of Abuse Complaints:
* DMCA Abuse Complaints will have a deadline of 24 hours to receive a response and resolution
* Brute Force/DDOS Complaints will have a deadline of 12 hours for response and resolution, VPS's will be suspended should we not receive a response.
* CPU Abuse Tickets will not have any deadline for response as the Service will be suspended until a detailed explanation is received. We reserve the right to refuse to unsuspend a VPS until the client has upgraded the VPS should we find continuous CPU Abuse that is affecting the use of our Services by other clients located on the same server. We are the sole arbiters of what is considered CPU Abuse.
* If we receive a spam complaint for your Service that results in an IP Address that we manage to get blacklist we will immediately proceed to blocking outgoing emails from your Service until we receive detailed explanation and resolution of the issue. This measure does not apply to VPS's that have cPanel or other Hosting Control Panels installed, for this cases a Spam Complaint will be sent to you with a deadline of 12 hours.
* Should we receive more than 1 Abuse Complaint for the same Service within the same Month we reserve every right to proceed to the termination of your Service.
* For Resellers should we receive multiple Abuse Complaints for your Services within the same Month we reserve every right to refuse future services to this Reseller and to terminate all Services. For Resellers the Abuse Complaints we would need to receive in order to proceed with the termination of the account should be above 70% of all of your active Services. This measure was put into place after a not officially registered HostRail Reseller is reselling HostRail VPS's with programs to initiate DDOS Attacks to other Servers/Systems, the Reseller has been informed and all of the resold VPS's are currently being suspended by our system.
* Once we open a Abuse Complaint against your Service the refund policy is automatically and immediately waived.

The mentioned changes to how we handle Abuse will help to improve the overall experience of HostRail customers. The changes we have mentioned to the handling of Overdue Invoices will help free up resources used up by Suspended Services and will help to improve the experience of the other HostRail customers.


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千问 | 2021-3-5 02:17:59 | 显示全部楼层

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千问 | 2021-3-5 02:17:59 | 显示全部楼层
* Services will be suspended 3 days after the due date noted in the Invoice, this was previously 5 days
* Services will be terminated 7 days after the due date noted in the Invoice, this was previously 20 days

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