
查看11 | 回复9 | 2007-9-2 07:20:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
真正忙于事业的男人其实是很难考虑情感的,爱情或许只是一抹调味剂,只是在事业成功中起润滑的作用,如果太看中情感,犹如开车前喝了白酒,晕头就上路了,事业会一塌糊涂的。A man who is truly devoted to his career actually has a difficult time with feelings.Love may just be a seasoning, functioning as lubrication in the success of the career.If one cares too much about emotions, it would be like drinking white wine before driving.Driving under the influence, his career will be a mess.不过如果压根不考虑情感,确实没有“酒后驾车”,但等自己成为一个老牌车手之后,下车后竟然发现,自己一直载着一个空车,副驾驶的座位压根从来没热乎过。However, if he doesn't consider his feelings at all, there is no "driving after drinking".But, when he turned into an experienced driver, after he gets off the car, he realizes that he has been driving an empty car all along, the co-pilot seat was never warm.

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千问 | 2007-9-2 07:20:51 | 显示全部楼层
真正忙于事业的男人其实是很难考虑情感的,爱情或许只是一抹调味剂,只是在事业成功中起润滑的作用,如果太看中情感,犹如开车前喝了白酒,晕头就上路了,事业会一塌糊涂的。 Actually, it's very hard for men who are really engaged in their business to cosider their affections. Love may be a flavoring, only plays a role of smoothing when successful. If one values affections too much, like drinking Chinese liquor before driving and getting on with dizziness, business will be in a mess.不过如果压根不考虑情感,确实没有“酒后驾车”,但等自己成为一个老牌车手之后,下车后竟然发现,自己一直载着一个空车,副驾驶的座位压根从来没热乎过。If one doesn't consider affections at all, undoubtedly he is not a drunk driver, but not until he himself becomes a skillful driver will he actually finds that, after his getting off, he has been driving an empty car and that the P seat has never been warmed at all.和“老李闲话”一样认真

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千问 | 2007-9-2 07:20:51 | 显示全部楼层
真正忙于事业的男人其实是很难考虑情感的,爱情或许只是一抹调味剂,只是在事业成功中起润滑的作用,如果太看中情感,犹如开车前喝了白酒,晕头就上路了,事业会一塌糊涂的。A man who really devotes himself to his career is hard to be emotionally involved with a woman; maybe love is like a condiment, acting only as a lubricant in a successful career. If he indulges himself too deeply, just like a drunken driver on the road, his career will be in a complete mess.不过如果压根不考虑情感,确实没有“酒后驾车”,但等自己成为一个老牌车手之后,下车后竟然发现,自己一直载着一个空车,副驾驶的座位压根从来没热乎过。However,if emotions are totally out of his mind, there will be no ”drunken driving” for sure, but when he gets off as a skilled driver, he finds himself alone with an empty car, the seat next to his has never been warmed at all.

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千问 | 2007-9-2 07:20:51 | 显示全部楼层
A man who is truly devoted to his career actually has a difficult time with feelings. Love may just be a seasoning, functioning as lubrication in the success of the career. If one cares too much about emotions, it would be like drinking white wine before driving. Driving under the influence, his career will be a mess. If one doesn't consider affections at all, undoubtedly he is not a drunk driver, but not until he himself becomes a skillful driver will he actually finds that, after his getting off, he has been driving an empty car and that the P seat has never been warmed at all.

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千问 | 2007-9-2 07:20:51 | 显示全部楼层
真正忙于事业的男人其实是很难考虑情感的,爱情或许只是一抹调味剂,只是在事业成功中起润滑的作用,如果太看中情感,犹如开车前喝了白酒,晕头就上路了,事业会一塌糊涂的。A man who is really busy with his business is acturually hard to thinking of his emotion ,and for him,love may be just something like flavoring which plays a role as smoothing in his success.If such man took so much attention on his emotion,his business would be a mass just like a drunk driver be on the way.不过如果压根不考虑情感,确实没有“酒后驾车”,但等自己成为一个老牌车手之后,下车后竟然发现,自己一直载着一个空车,副驾驶的座位压根从来没热乎过。 However,if he never thought about his emotion with no chance of "driving the car after drinking",he will find ,when he become an experience driver,that he was driving an empty car all the way with nobody seated beside him .True is busy at the enterprise man actually is very difficult toconsider perhaps the emotion, the love only is as soon as wipes blendsflavors the medicinal preparation, only is succeeds the lubricationfunction at the enterprise, if too settles on the emotion front, justlike drives has drunk the white liquor, confused started off, theenterprise could in a complete mess. But from the start if does not consider the emotion, after truly doesnot have "the liquor to drive", after if by any chance own become anestablished brand rider, after alights unexpectedly discovered, owncontinuously carry a spatial vehicle, copilot's seat always is nothaving from the start chummily.

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千问 | 2007-9-2 07:20:51 | 显示全部楼层
Is busy with the enterprise truly the man is actually very difficult to consider as soon as perhaps the emotion, love only is wipes the seasoner, only is succeeds the lubrication function at the enterprise, if too settles on the emotion front, the like drove has drunk the white liquor, started off confused, the enterprise could in a complete mess.

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千问 | 2007-9-2 07:20:51 | 显示全部楼层
if someone is really busy for jobs,he willbe hard to think about bility.maybe,love just likes seasonings,it uses when you are successful.but if you think about sensibility too much,as if drinking before driving,your head feels all muzzy.the work willbe in an awful state.but,when you become an old driver.and if you think about litle sensibility,you will find out youare driving an empty car yourself.. whenyouget out of the car,you will see no one in theseat beside you.

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千问 | 2007-9-2 07:20:51 | 显示全部楼层

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千问 | 2007-9-2 07:20:51 | 显示全部楼层
It's difficult for a man who is really busy with his work to think about emotion. Maybe love is just a kind of flavoring. If he is too serious about affaris,just likedrinking distilled and then driving without a clear mind, his carear will fall into ruin.
But on the other hand, if he doesn't put emotion into his head at all , he doesn't drink before driving of course.But already being an experienced driver, after getting out of his car, he'll find all the way he's driving a car with nobody else in it.There isn't even a bit of warmness on the seat beside him.刷分贴 鉴定完毕!

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千问 | 2007-9-2 07:20:51 | 显示全部楼层

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