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voa&bbc 美国之音BBc英文广播大全- -  独乐乐与人乐乐孰乐?  我从听广播和上网中学英语所获得的乐趣统统与大家分享。有人问我有没有什么办法既不枯燥又能学外语。我回答他有!那就是听广播学外语。  下面先给大家介绍一下广播资源中与英文学习有关的几个比较好的源!首先是两个电台:VOA(Voice of America)  BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)  独乐乐与人乐乐孰乐?  我从听广播和上网中学英语所获得的乐趣统统与大家分享。有人问我有没有什么办法既不枯燥又能学外语。我回答他有!那就是听广播学外语。  下面先给大家介绍一下广播资源中与英文学习有关的几个比较好的源!首先是两个电台:VOA(Voice of America)  BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)  学习的时候就不要南腔北调。学就要学最字正腔圆的。所以你只能选择英式英语和美式英语。  1. 美国之音中文广播中的英文教学节目  最近在放送的有以下几个节目:  流行美语:这个短小精悍的英语教学节目每次五分钟,生动活泼,幽默轻松。节目通过两个大学生的对话来教授美国年轻人常用的俚语,有的在字典上还查不到。  播出时间:北京时间每星期六晚上8:50分  重播时间:北京时间每星期天上午9:45分和下午6:45分。(现在流行美语在美国之音的网站上有29个课的文字稿件和录音,可以下载和在线听。当然跟着广播收听也是可以的。)  美语信箱:这个节目专门回答听众们在学习英语过程中遇到的问题。听众们可以通过热线电话,电子邮件和普通邮件提出问题,节目主持人请美国专家来回答这些问题。每次五分钟,回答两个问题并举例说明。专家在节目最后还给大家提供一个学习英语的诀窍。欢迎大家来信来电提出问题和你的意见和建议。  播出时间:北京时间每星期六上午10:50分  重播时间:星期六晚上8:55分,星期天上午9:50分和下午6:50分  来信请寄:北京邮政信箱9171号,邮政编码100600  电子邮件地址:[email protected]  对方付款热线电话:北京时间每星期天早上9:00 - 9:30  电话号码:先拨10810 或10811,听到中文录音后拨 866-837-5161  美国习惯用语:这个节目专门介绍美国人常用的习惯用语,它们的出典并以富有生活情趣的实例来说明用法。每次节目十分钟,每周播出一个新的节目。  播出时间:北京时间每星期四早上10:45,星期四晚上8:50重播。  星期二上午10:45,星期二和星期天晚上8:50 重播以前的节目。  收听美国英语: 这个节目教的是中级英语,它的特点是通过剧本的形式来教授英语,容易引起兴趣。  播出时间:北京时间每星期二、四、六下午4:05-4:30。  英语USA: 这个节目一共有52课初级英语课程。它是以美国之音记者除外采访的方式来介绍一些基本的美国会话。每一课都有详细的中文解释。  播出时间:北京时间每星期一、三、五下午4:05-4:30。  商务通英语:这个节目既为初级水平又为中级以上水平的学生提供商务交流中的日常用语。播出时间:北京时间每天下午5:05-5:30  商业英语 会谈时间:这是为信息时代涉足商界人才经心安排的节目。节目通过一家咨询公司为不同企业解决业务难题而介绍现代化的经商概念以及最新的商务用语。  播出时间:北京时间每天下午5:35-6:00。  Source : www.voachinese.com  2. 美国之音英文广播中的英文教学节目  Times & Frequencies  English-language version  Each program begins with New Dynamic English (basic level), followed by Functioning in Business (intermediate level). Three different programs are broadcast each week: Program A on Monday (repeated Tuesday and Sunday), Program B on Wednesday (repeated Thursday), and Program C on Friday (repeated Saturday). For more information on VOA programs, visit the Voice of America website.  Locale:UTC:
Frequencies (kHz):  Asia:
1575, 6110, 9760, 9795, 11995, and 15460  2300
6180, 7205, 9780, 11995, and 15135
(简单介绍一下UTC 即国际统一协调时间和中国时间相差8小时,计算方式是 用UTC时间加上8 等于北京时间 )  (频率kHz是一个频率单位 在遇到收音机上给的单位是MHz时 两个单位的换算是1000kHz=1MHz)  (给看上面的文字有困难的讲讲,这个英文教学节目是两次对中国播音,包括新动态英语【初级】和商务功能英语【中级】时间上是早上七点和晚上十一点节目比较好,前5分钟是国际新闻然后播音半小时)  source : www.dyned.com  3.美国之音提供的慢速英语: VOA Special English  HISTORY OF SPECIAL ENGLISH On October 19, 1959, the first Special English program was broadcast on the Voice of America. It was an experiment. The goal was to communicate by radio in clear and simple English with people whose native language is not English. Experts said the goal was admirable, but the method would not work. They were proved wrong. The Special English programs quickly became some of the most popular on VOA. And they still are. Forty years later, Special English continues to communicate with people who are not fluent in English. But during the years its role has expanded. It also helps people learn American English. And it provides listeners, even those who are native English speakers, with information they cannot find elsewhere.  Today, Special English broadcasts around the world seven days a week, five times a day. Each half-hour broadcast begins with ten minutes of the latest news followed by 20 minutes of feature programming. There is a different short feature every week day about science, development, agriculture and environment, and on the weekend, about news events and American idioms. These programs are followed by in-depth 15 minute features about American culture, history, science medicine, space, important people or short stories.  Three elements make Special English unique. It has a limited vocabulary of 1500 words. Most are simple words that describe objects, actions or emotions. Some are more difficult. They are used for reporting world events and describing discoveries in medicine and science. Special English is written in short , simple sentences that contain only one idea. No idioms are used. And Special English is spoken at a slower pace, about two-thirds the speed of standard English. This helps people learning English hear each word clearly. It also helps people who are English speakers understand complex subjects.  Through the years, Special English has become a very popular tool for teaching English, even though it was not designed as teaching program. It succeeds in helping people learn English in a non-traditional way. Individuals record the programs and play them over and over to practice their listening skills. In countries around the world, English teachers assign Special English to their students. They praise it for improving their students'ability to understand American English and for the content of the programs. Universities and private companies in many countries produce packages of Special English materials for student use  这个节目被 钟道隆 将军研究的透透彻彻写出了一本叫 《趣味慢速英语》的书 有兴趣的可以买来看看。(附:钟老 是逆向法学习英语的创始人,先后出版了《逆向法学英语》,《听遍全世界》等书,堪称经典.)  节目表:  Sun. Words & Their Stories  People in America  Mon. Development Report  This Is America  Tues. Agriculture Report  Science in the News  Wed. Health Report  Explorations  Thurs. Education Report  Making of a Nation  Fri. Environment Report  American Mosaic  Sat. In the News  American Stories  这些节目个个精彩,语速奇慢,不过要看你的水平,慢归慢里面讲的东西可都是最新的东西,用special English 自己的话说是即使是美国人听这个节目也可以学到不少新东西。  下面给出节目的频率表:  English-Special  0030-0100 UTC 1575 7215 9770 11760 15185 15290 17740 17820  0130-0200 UTC# 7405 9775 13740  1500-1530 UTC 6160 9590 9760 9845 12040 15550  1500-1530 UTC$ 1575  1530-1600 UTC 1575 6160 9590 9760 9845 12040 15550  1600-1700 UTC 12080 13600 17895  1900-1930 UTC 1197 7260 9680 13635  1930-2000 UTC 7260 9680 13635  2300-2330 UTC 7190 7200 9545 11925 13775  2330-2400 UTC 7190 7200 7225 7260 9545 11805 11925 13725 13775 15205  你们自己找出自己地区的信号强的频率。比如在南京时15550,12040,9845就比较强  它的每天的播音是早上七点半第一次播音,也就是说一天的节目是一样的重复3次,新闻应该是不一样的我没有去研究,如果你希望在第一次没有听懂的时候,那就可以在后面的2次中确认。  他们的节目可以找到与节目同步的文字稿件只要 浏览:www.voaspecialenglish.com这个做的很好。听不懂总可以看懂吧。我就从里面学到了很多新单词。在你将不懂的单词都搞定了再去听就会有很好的提高!  给个例子:  IN THE NEWS - Congressional Report on Sept. 11 Attacks Investigation  Cynthia Kirk  Broadcast: July 26, 2003  This is the VOA Special English program, IN THE NEWS.  This week, a joint congressional committee released its final report about the terrorist attacks of September eleventh, two-thousand-one. The report criticizes the way officials dealt with intelligence in the months before the attacks in New York and Washington. But the committee also found that intelligence agencies had no direct evidence of the plot.  Hijackers flew two planes into the World Trade Center. A third hit the Pentagon, the headquarters of the Defense Department. A fourth crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. The September eleventh attacks killed three-thousand people.  The report is based on a ten-month investigation last year by the House and Senate Intelligence Committees. Some findings were announced when the committees completed their investigation in December. But most of the details remained secret.  Congressional members and intelligence agencies had been struggling over what information could be made public. A nine-hundred page version of the report was released Thursday.  The report says that before the attacks a number of agencies had a great deal of information about Osama bin Laden's al Qaida group and the future hijackers. These agencies included the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency. But the report says none of the intelligence showed exactly how, when or where the attacks would take place.  Still, the report criticizes intelligence agencies for failing to share and act on information they had in the months before the attacks. It says they missed chances to deny entry to those involved in the plot, to observe their movements or to increase security in the United States.  The report says American intelligence agencies received information as early as nineteen-ninety-four that terrorists were considering using airplanes in attacks.  The document also says two of the September eleventh hijackers had many contacts with an F-B-I informant in California in two-thousand. It says the C-I-A knew the two men had ties to al-Qaida, but never shared the information with the F-B-I or put the men's names on a terrorism watch list.  The report offers nineteen suggestions. These include better cooperation among intelligence agencies and more aggressive efforts to investigate threats.  Fifteen of the nineteen hijackers were Saudis. But much of the report's information that deals with the Saudi government was not made public.  The White House says information was withheld to protect national security interests. Democratic presidential candidate Bob Graham is a former chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. He say the White House did not want to make an important ally look bad. But other committee members, including some Democrats, say they have no evidence of that.  This VOA Special English program, IN THE NEWS, was written by Cynthia Kirk. This is _______.  4. 美国之音新闻节目:VOA News Now  这个节目是一个比较正统的新闻类节目每天播音是24小时不间断对全球广播。  VOA NEWS NOW PROGRAM SCHEDULE  VOA News Now is your source for news 24 hours a day, including LIVE coverage of major events.  (美国之音即时新闻是你的每天24小时的新闻来源,包括对重大事件的现场报道)  We broadcast a full news summary at one minute past every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We also broadcast news headlines at half past every hour. Most hours have expanded news and in-depth coverage and analysis of the events and issues of the day.  MONDAYS THROUGH FRIDAYS look like this:  Sportscasts are at 23 minutes past most hours.  Business and economic news can be found throughout our programs, but particularly after the news headlines at half past 01, 03, 05, 07, 11, 15, 20 and 23 UTC.  Our Dateline documentary will expand and move to 45 minutes past those same hours.  Focus, examines one of the day's top stories in perspective, at 15 minutes past 00, 02, 06, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 22 UTC.  Coast To Coast with Dave Arlington, is on Mondays through Fridays after the headlines at half past 00, 12, 14, 16 and 18 UTC. (Plus 00 Saturdays for Latin America.) This will be home for all kinds of American topics, including our popular science coverage.  Main Street with Barbara Klein, is on Sundays through Thursdays after the headlines at half past 02, 04, 06, 10 and 22 UTC. It's a lively half-hour of ideas, information, people and places across America.  Listen for our new Opinion Roundup at 55 minutes past 00, 07, 12, 15 and 17 UTC. Add YOUR opinion to the mix by sending it to [email protected].  Talk to America will continue LIVE, Mondays through Fridays, at 17 UTC, on radio, television and the Internet, and we welcome your participation. Talk to America will now also be repeated on radio and Internet at 08 UTC. More information is at http://www.voanews.com/talk.  And we'll have music for you from the VOA Music Mix Network at 09, 13, 19 and 21 UTC. At 19 UTC it's Border Crossings. The other hours Music programs rotate as follows:  Mondays - American Gold with Ray Freeman  Tuesdays - Roots & Branches with Katherine Cole  Wednesdays - Classic Rock with Ed Kowalski  Thursdays - Top 20 with Ray McDonald  Fridays - Country Hits with Mary Morningstar.  上面这些东西是 从www.voanews.com 上获取。具体的东西请登陆到网站上查看。  下面给出他们节目的频率表:  Far East Asia, South Asia, and Oceania  (友情提醒这里的时间是0时区的时间将以下的时间+8小时才是中国标准时间)  0000-0030 UTC 1575 7215 9770 11760 15185 15290 17740 17820  0100-0300 UTC 7115 9635 11705 11725 11820 13650 17740 17820  0700-0800 UTC 13760  0800-1000 UTC 11930 13620 13760 15150  1000-1100 UTC 9770 13620 15240 15425  1100-1130 UTC$ 1575  1100-1200 UTC 6160 9645 9760 9770 13610 15160 15240 15425  1200-1230 UTC 1143 6160 9645 9760 13610 15160 15240 15425  1230-1300 UTC 6160 9645 9760 13610 15160 15240 15425  1300-1400 UTC 6160 9645 9760 15160 15425  1400-1500 UTC 6160 7125 9760 15160 15425  1500-1600 UTC 7125  1600-1700 UTC 1143 6160 7125 9760  1700-1800 UTC 6160 7125 7170 9645  1700-1800 UTC* 1143 1575 5990 6045 7215 9770 9785  1900-2000 UTC 9525 11770 15180  2100-2200 UTC 9705 11870 15185 17740 17820  2200-2400 UTC 7215 9705 9770 11760 15185 15290 15305 17740 17820  2230-2400 UTC 1575  他们的节目太多我不便一一介绍以上英文是美国之音提供的节目简介,我只是给大家提供一个切入点,那就是新闻。为什么这么讲呢。新闻千变万化但基本新闻词汇就那么一些。而且每天变化的新闻促使你有好奇心去学习。怎么跟踪每天的新闻呢? 到www.voanews.com 这里有headline (头条)你可以从里面看见每天发生的各种新闻,只有你每天每天的搞定里面的新闻词汇。这样你要能听懂某一类新闻就没问题了。超越了新闻,如果你还对其中的某个节目比较喜欢就登陆到网站上多阅读这个节目的网页。这样就比较容易听懂这个节目了。  5. BBC 中文教学节目  有了以上的基础大家自己到www.bbcchinese.com 查询相关的教学内容。  6. BBC WORLD SERVICE  这个是bbc免费提供给大家的一个世界性新闻服务节目组。他们的口号是 bbc news 24hours a day.  From  To  Days  Frequency  00:00  00:30  Daily  17615, 11945  00:00  03:00  Daily  15360  00:00  05:30  Daily  15280  03:00  10:30  Daily  21660  05:00  10:30  Daily  15360  09:00  10:30  Daily  9605  10:00  16:00  Daily  9740  13:00  16:00  Daily  6195  14:00  16:00  Daily  7105  21:00  22:00  Daily  6110  21:00  24:00  Daily  5965  21:00  22:00  Daily  6110  22:00  23:00  Daily  6195,11955  22:00  24:00  Daily  9605  23:00  24:00  Daily  11945, 15280  23:30  24:00  Daily  6035  以上时间为GMT  谁要比较详尽的贴近你城市的频率请到如下网站寻找:www.bbcworldservice.com  好基本上各种广播信息源已经讲明白了。以后就是你自己努力了。  收音机牌子嘛 !请到 bcl.126.com 上查找相关信息。免得有做广告之嫌疑。  凡是收听技术上的问题请到 dxman.126.com 寻求帮助。  有宽带的可以从网络上收听美国之音中文 英文广播。用软件龙卷风网络收音机:http://www.ljf21.com/,上不了美国之音网站的 请到相关的 代理论坛 寻求帮助。  下面提供几个比较有名的外国新闻网站。  www.ap.org(美联社)  www.cnn.com(美国cnn)  www.msnbc.com (属于宽带视频新闻网站)  外加一个白宫网站:www.whitehouse.gov (白宫网站经常提供总统讲演的录像录音,文字稿是个学习的好地方)  英国官方网站:www.number-10.gov.uk(此处也可查询首相的大部分讲话稿)  jerry.wu 于7月28日完成于江西。 以上内容版权所有(copyright reserved)未经作者允许不得转载和用于商业目的。 [email protected]  最近我发现微软的百科全书是一个很好的学习英语的工具,每次我从广播里头听到一个人或事都到这里头寻找一下。收获多多。Microsoft Encarta reference library 2004 .  对百科全书的内容讲讲。这个百科全书啊。是由微软经过将古代的一个写百科全书的专家写的东西吸取进来然后加入了很多的影音,小动画,还包括了一个世界电子地图。这个地图呢是对全世界的每个角落详细到城镇,可以很方便的为你了解一个地方在哪?经纬度多少?走什么路线最近,具体的距离是多少,当涉及到大地方时你可以看见他的街道,比如上海北京,  除了地图这种比较实用的工具以外,还有按时间编写的时间表,所有的历史大事记都有记载。如果你想要研究某个国家在某一年发生了什么就可以在搜索框中打入 1957 Vietnam(举个例子查询1957年的越南) ,里面有详细的档案类型的文章进行详细阐述。  1957: Vietnam  The question of holding free elections to re-establish a single government over Vietnam remained unsettled in 1957, and the country remained politically divided into South Vietnam and the Communist-controlled North Vietnam.  South Vietnam.  Politics.  In October 1956, South Vietnam continued the steps toward absorption of its Chinese elements which it began earlier in the year. Since most residents of Chinese descent born in Vietnam were given automatic citizenship, widespread curbs placed on alien Chinese did not affect as many as had been at first feared. However, noncitizens were barred from eleven occupations, including transport and most retail trade. Following the pattern set in elimination of the Binh Xuyen, Hoa Hao, and Cao Dai sects, Ngo Dinh Diem's government prohibited the reopening of Chinese private schools unless they had a Vietnamese principal, used the standard Vietnamese curricula, and taught Vietnamese as the primary language, with Chinese relegated to second place.  Promulgation of Constitution.  A new constitution was promulgated on Oct. 26, 1956, the first anniversary of South Vietnam's independence. The constitution provides for three branches of government (Ngo Dinh Diem is the first President) but with very strong powers in the executive branch to meet the Communist threat. Election of the President and the National Assembly (1 member per 60,000 inhabitants) is by universal suffrage and secret ballot. The President's term is five years, the Assembly's three. The Assembly has the right to pass a bill over the President's veto by a three-fourths majority. In case of emergency the President may govern by decree but must have the assent of the Assembly.  Economic Progress.  South Vietnam, aided by a truly massive U.S. aid program — estimated to run from $200,000,000 to $250,000,000 a year, is absorbing 850,000 refugees from North Vietnam and making a sharp comeback in its economic position. For example, it had an exportable surplus of rice in 1957 for the first time since 1941.  A watch assembly plant will soon open in Saigon and the Lambretta automobile assembly plant in the Vietnamese capital city was scheduled to produce 1,000 vehicles during 1957. A number of textile mills are being built in Saigon, and a chemical industry is developing.  Foreign Affairs.  President Ngo Dinh Diem visited Australia, the United States, and Thailand during the course of the year. He created an atmosphere distinctly favorable to his country in the United States. He is currently considered the strongest si参考资料:http://jarod17.bokee.com/299467.html本回答被网友采纳

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