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全名:Jesse A. McCartney (他想对自己的中间名保密,但是他说它以"A"开头)  小名:Jess, Jmac, Jmac Daddy, Double Shot, Jman, Orange Boy  生日:1987年4月9日  身高:大约5'11"(180.5左右)  体重:140 lbs(可能会有变化)(63.5kg左右)  头发颜色:金色(目前染成棕色)  眼睛颜色:绿色  目前女友:Katie Cassidy  兄弟姐妹:Lea (14) 和 Timmy (9)  血统:爱尔兰,英格兰和苏格兰  兴趣:棒球,运动,演戏,唱歌,滑水,滑雪,冲浪  最喜欢的颜色:橙色  最喜欢的运动:棒球和橄榄球  在学校参加的(社团)活动:学校黑豹棒球队,8号球员  棒球队中的位置:投手和二垒手  学校吉祥物:黑豹  宗教信仰:新教  最喜欢的歌手:Craig David, Linkin Park, John Mayer, Jason Mraz, Baby Face, Maroon 5, Black Eyed Peas, Sting, Carole King [Dillon Kondor's grandmother!], James Taylor, Switch foot, Hoobastank, Usher, Justin Timberlake, The Beatles, Gavin DeGraw...摇滚,流行,灵魂乐,说唱,R&B——所有听起来好听的  理想的大学:perhaps UCLA 或者 Pepper dine...一些电影或者导演学校  喜欢的女孩类型:有漂亮眼睛的,人品好的,可以让自己笑得女孩  曾经学过的乐器:钢琴,从5岁弹到9岁,还会一点低音萨克斯  最喜欢的冰激淋口味:巧克力味  最喜欢的水果:奇异果和草莓  最不喜欢的食物:芽甘蓝  最喜欢的歌:(最近一次被问时的回答)"If You're Not the One" - Daniel Bedding field  最喜欢的音乐录影带:(最近一次被问时的回答) "Yeah" by Usher  最喜欢的一首自己的歌:Beautiful Soul  最喜欢的软饮料:百事  最喜欢的度假地点:热带岛屿,气候温暖的地方,在棕榈树下休息,事实上,我想也想住在那样的地方  最喜欢的女孩子的名字:Halie 或者 Taylor  最喜欢的男孩子的名字:Jack, Cole, Krew  最喜欢的早餐食品:他通常不吃早餐(这样不好哦...)  最喜欢的午餐食品:寿司或者任何一种日本料理  最喜欢的晚餐食品:BBQ  左撇子还是右撇子:右  完美的一天:住在加利福尼亚海边或者到纽约时代广场的俱乐部里跳舞  坏习惯:咬指甲  最喜欢/最擅长的科目:数学,西班牙语,人类心理学  最不喜欢的科目:历史  口头禅:"Cool, cool"..."Dude"..."You know"..."its wild."  关于Jesse的事情及趣闻:  *初恋:5年级的时候,那个女孩的名字是Sam  *初吻:6年级的时候,他非常喜欢那个女孩  *他的键盘手Katie Spencer认为Jesse是一个很有魅力的人,但是他仅仅把他当作好朋友  *当Katie和Jesse在一个叫Sugar Beats少儿团体的时候,她就对Jesse一见钟情,她当时才10岁,而Jesse才9岁!  *Jesse的视力非常好!  *Jesse曾经有一次在飞机上呕吐,吐了一位老女士一身!  *Jesse喜欢黑夜  *比起易拉罐饮料,Jesse更喜欢瓶装饮料  *当Jesse被问道最喜欢字母表上的哪一个字母时,Jesse回答"Y?"(字母"Y"与"Why"同音,Jesse想问"Why?",结果,"Y"就被当成了他最喜欢的字母咯)  *Jesse曾经被蜜蜂蜇到眼睑(可怜的孩子!)  专辑《天使之心》收录:  1. She's No You 她不是你
精选: take it easy relax  2. Beautiful Soul 天使的心
JustSoYouKnow  3. Get Your Shine On 你就是主角
RightBackInTheWater  4. Take Your Sweet Time 慢慢来
BeautifulSoul(DfMix)  5. Without U 如果没有你  6. Why Don't You Kiss Her 为何不亲吻她
(Your song is very good!!~~I like very much)  7. That Was Then 错误的曾经  8. Come To Me 奔向我  9. What's Your Name 请问芳名  10. Because You Live 你的存在  11. Why Is Love So Hard To Find 真爱难寻  12. The Stupid Thing 愚蠢的事  Bonus Track超值加收:  13. The Best Day Of My Life(from Cinderella Story O.S.T.) 幸福时刻  14. The Stupid Things(Acoustic Version) 愚蠢的事(不插电版)  专辑《真情守候》收录:  用“阳光男孩”、“青少年偶像”、“少女杀手”…等等字眼来形容杰西麦卡尼,仅只能形容出不到十分之一的他。这位有着帅气外貌的18岁金发碧眼男孩,却希望大家从他身上看到的不是有形的外表,而是更多无形且具有深度的特质,也就是他的才华。 这位从小就踏入戏剧界的歌手是美国家喻户晓的好演员,他为演戏所投注的心力从他两度入围艾美奖日间节目类最佳年轻男演员奖项就可窥知一二,但杰西更大的兴趣与抱负是在音乐方面,他在14岁时就加入了男孩团体Dream Street,该团的首张同名专辑还创下白金销售佳绩,虽然后来乐团解散,但杰西对音乐的热情丝毫没有减褪,他在继续维持戏剧演出之余,还是努力充实自己,在创作与演唱方面不断吸收更多不同的养分。  对各种类型音乐兼容并蓄的涉足让杰西的唱腔与创作含括了摇滚、灵魂、流行与舞曲等等不同风格,他的超龄成熟歌声却还是能够让每一个音符与每一句歌词透射出青春的气息,无怪乎花了两年时间精心琢磨的首张专辑“天使的心(Beautiful Soul)”一推出就大受欢迎,获得全美专辑榜第15名的好成绩。杰西的创作与演唱实力已藉他的首张专辑建立起口碑,他的巡回演唱会在全球各地票房处处告捷、歌曲在电视台及电台获得超高的点播率、在2005年青少年直选(Teen Choice Awards)中连得三项大奖-“最佳跨界艺人”、“最佳男歌手”以及“最具突破男艺人”-,并且获得2005全美音乐奖“最佳新进艺人”奖项提名….等等睥睨同侪的成就在在证明了杰西正创立了一股属于自己的新风潮,这股风潮相对地也反映出杰西对音乐事业积极的态度和他天赋加上努力的双倍成效。  在这个秋天,杰西麦卡尼为我们带来了制作将近一年左右的新专辑《Right Where You Want Me》,这张专辑甫一推出就取得了令人骄傲的成绩:五周全美音乐排行榜冠军单曲、全美音乐电台冠军POP流行榜冠军、流行杂志音乐最佳封面等等。上市首周即登陆billboard top200第14位以及美国Top Internet Album的第9位。而所有傲人的成绩所得都与这张专辑的制作与杰西麦卡尼分不开的,因为他参与了所有歌曲的创作与制作。这张专辑也是小帅哥杰西卓越才华的真实体现,在这张唱片中,Jesse McCartney在选曲方面大下功夫,带给我们一个音乐的新视野,新专辑中除了运用多种音乐元素外,还清晰地体现出音乐与歌者融为一体之感。  另外,这张新专辑绝对是电台有利的收听保证。除了极具流行元素外,还能感受到另类的酷,而Right Back In The Water这首单曲,在全美播放率已经超出了点播的范围,相信在内地也一定会大红大紫,还有专辑中Just So You Know、We Can Go Anywhere 、Tell Her 那样属于个人气质的作品,也非常的完美。  在杰西麦卡尼歌声中我们还可以感受年青人所向往的生活,积极进取的精神品质,这张CD会使你在每天的行程中多一种浪漫和温馨。  Track Listing:  1、 Right Where You Want Me(真情守候)  2、 Just So You Know(只是要你知道)  3、 Right Back In The Water(回到起点)  4、 Anybody(谁)  5、 Tell Her(告诉她)  6、 Just Go(离去)  7、 Can' t Let You Go(舍不得你)  8、 We Can Go Anywhere(我们可以去任何地方)  9、 Feelin' You(感觉你)  10、Invincible(所向披靡)  英语版资料:  Full Name: Jesse McCartney  Age: 16  Nicknames: Jess, Jester, Orange Boy  Date Of Birth: April 09, 1987  Grade: 10th  Astrological Sign: Aries  Birthplace: New York City  Current Residence: Westchester, NY  Hair Color: Blond (natural hair color is brown)  Eye Color: Green  Height: 5'8"  Weight: 120 lbs.  Shoe Size: 9 1/2  Best Feature: Smile  Right/Left Handed: Right Handed  Siblings: 1 younger brother; Timmy-5, 1 younger sister; Lea-11  Pets: Cat named Oliver  Jesse goes to Ardsley High  Favouritez  Fave Color: Orange  Fave Actresses: Joan Cusack, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Cady McClain  Fave Actors: Robin Williams, Will Smith and Jim Carrey  Fave Singers/band: Eve 6, Aerosmith, Sting, James Taylor, BBMak  Fave Music: Hip Hop, Pop, Rock and some R&B.  Fave DS Song: "It Happens Everytime"  Fave Song That isn't theirs: Mario's New Song ?("Braid My Hair")?  Fave Christmas Song: "Silent Night"  Fave Subject: Math and Physical Education  Least Fave Subject: History  Best Subject: Spanish  Fave Store: Abercrombie and Fitch, Structure, Tommy, Guess, and Gap  Fave Drink: Pepsi and Root Beer  Fave Food: Steak, California Rolls, Bagels & Cream Cheese.  Fave Fruit: Kiwi and Strawberry  Least Fave Veggie: Brussel Sprouts  Fave Candy: Gummy Bears & Sour Patch Kids  Fave Lollipops: Raspberry tootsie roll pops.  Fav Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate  Fave Phrase: "Zip It!"  Fave Sports Team: NY Yankees and New York Giants  Fave Sports: Baseball and Football  Fave TV Show: Friends,  Fave Movies: The 6th Sense, Grease and American History X  Fave Type of Books: Biographies  Fave Type Of Clothing: Structure  Fave Cars: Farrari and Lamborghini Diablo  Fave Cartoon: Anything with Elmer Fud and Porky Pig.  Fave person you have ever worked with?: Hayley Mills  Fave Superhero?: God!  Fave Breakfast Meal: Scrambled Eggs and also Pumpkin Pie  Other Facts  Hobbies: Playing baseball, playing his sax, four wheeling, singing and acting  What sports do you play?: Baseball!!  Future Car: BMW M3. Baby Blue or Electric Blue  Commercials: K-Mart (1999), Lowes, Spokesperson for Kids for a Drug FreeAmerica 60 sec radio spot Broadway (and National Broadway Tours): "The King and I" w/ Hayley Mills (as Louis), "A Christmas Carol" as Young Scrooge (Madison Square Garden), A Sunny Delight Commercial (2002), Charmin' Ultra w/ Greg (2002), Auditioning for a pizza & hockey commercial..  Most Prized Possession: baseball glove and phone.  What Do You Look For In A Girl?: Personality and a nice smile.  Name Of His Baseball Team: The Panthers  Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers baby! (go Jess! lolz)  Biggest Like: Snow/Water Skiing  If you have a dramatic scene where you have to cry, how do you get ready for it and do it?: I think of things that made me upset a long time ago.  How did you get started in the business?: My parents used to be in it and they taught me everything they know.  What was your first acting job?: "Oliver," in a local theatre.  First Kiss?: It was in the sixth grade. He liked her a lot!  Biggest Fear: Car accidents  Future College?: UCLA  Type Of Cologne: Acqua Di Gio by Giorgio Armani  First Date: "My first date was with a girl who is now one of my good friends. We went to Great Adventure for the day. We still laugh about it. It was a lot of fun."  Last Day (March 03): "About a month ago a friend of mine and I went on a double date and went clubbing. It was a dance workout. Good for the legs and lots of fun!"  Worst Date: "Looking back. my worst date is probably one of the funniest ones. It had been set up by a friend and so I didn't know the girl very well. We went to the mall. Everything went fairly well for the first hour or so until I stepped on the escalator and my shoelace got stuck in the stairs. I couldn't move. Eventually I had to take my shoe off and leave the laces stuck in the escalator. I had to wear my shoe for the rest of the night without a lace and it wa embarrassing."  Best Date: "I was in LA and a quite wonderful girl and I went out to dinner in an open-air restaurant right on the beach in Venice Beach. We walked down the bike trail there on the beach for a mile watching the Street Performers do their thing and then we took our shoes off and ran down the beach after dark right along the shoreline. The weather was beautiful, the girl was beautiful and I decided I may have to live in California at some point."  Did You Know...?  -Jesse wears glasses for fashion  -Jesse's Mom and Dad are/were both singers who have/had an acappella vocal group that sings/sang doo-wop. Jesse and Lea have both sung doo-wop background vocals at home his Mom and Dad for several years.  -Jesse use to act on the soap opera All My Children. He played Adam Chandler Junior (JR)  -Jesse drinks coffee [Jesse uses creme and two pacts of sugar]  -Jesse got braces at the end of December of 2001  -Jesse's rat Mocha just recently died  -Jesse was too shy to tell his crush that he liked her so he told her friend to her tell and realized that she liked him too!  -That the McCartney family did several shows together for several months a year before dream street.  -Their producer says that Jesse is the bad boy of the group. He says "I know he's the one who will be arrested first, out of anyone in the group." ::Credit to:: Untouchable  -When Jesse auditioned for Dream Street, he sang a Backstreet Boys' song, forgot the words, and covered it up with an "Ooh ooh ooh". That's when the producer knew he wanted Jesse for the group. ::Credit to:: Untouchable  -Jesse once got beaten up by some boys just for being an actor and model. ::Credit to:: New York Newspaper Article Untouchable  -He doesn't like the sound of squeaky shoes  -Filing finger nails gets on Jesse's nerves  -Jesse prized possession is his four wheeler  -Jesse says his best feature is his smile  -Jesse plays the Saxaphone  -Jesse was a member of a singing group called Sugar Beats  -Jesse is now going back on performing on Broadway  -Jesse might be going solo!  -Jesse's fastest pitch is about 65 MPH. People strike out on the curve ball.  -Jesse and his friends cook! They come up with their own concoctions.  -Jesse's fave animal is a Giraffe..  -Jesse usually stays up until about 11:00 PM on school nights and on weekends about 12:30 or 1:00 AM.  -Jesse was born on a Thursday  -Jesse's dad is a volunteer firefighter  -Jesse thinks himself as a 'preppy person'  -Jesse would love to meet Will Smith and work with him sometimes on music or movie  -Jesse has a scar on his left eyebrow  -If he could change his name he'd want it to be Boris (err...ok..?)  -He uses aresol spray deoderant  -His favorite roller coaster is the Goliath  -His favorite colonue is Acqua di Gio by Armani  -He hates Snowcones  -He wears shoes most of the time, not sneakers  -He tried out for the 6th sense (THIS i never knew!)  -He had braces (Jan. 23, 2002- May 10, 2002)  -He was in a NFL commercial as Peyton Manning  -He was in a sunny delight commercial  -A fan once gave Jesse a 24 k-gold bracelet with his name engraved on it.  -His favorite X-Box game is NHL Fever  -His first crush was a girl named Samantha  -The longest he had a relationship for was 8 months in 9th grade  -He prefers to wear hats over visors  -In March of 2003, Jesse's producer, Sherry, posted on his message board: "And okay, Jesse's eyebrows ARE a bit bushy but he's just too manly to wax or tweeze. I actually asked him if he would. Negative on that." aww! lolz  -Greg's little cousin Teresa has a HUGE crush on Jesse!  -During the filming of the music video for It Happens Every Time, a piece of firework exploded too close to the boys and a part of the rocket fell onto Jesse's arm and burned him!  ------------  PS。经常有人认为杰西麦卡尼的爸爸是保罗麦卡特尼。。。实际上没有任何关系  Jesse的父亲叫Scot McCartney,母亲是Ginger McCartney.他在家里的三个孩子中排行老大.他的妹妹叫Lea,弟弟叫Tommy.  Jesse最喜欢的歌手有 Justin Timberlake, Usher Raymond, Maroon5, Sting, Ray Charles and Akon.不包括Paul.因此二人没有任何关系.

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Keith (2006) 最后一击 The Last Shot (2004) 公主日记2:皇室婚约/走佬俏公主2及时嫁到 The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement (2004) 魔法灰姑娘/麻辣公主 Ella Enchanted (2004) Summerland (2004) Pizza (2004) "Summerland" (2004) "The Strange Legacy of Cameron Cruz" (2002) The 29th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards (2002) The Biggest Fan (2002) Dream Street: Live (2001) The 28th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards (2001) The Pirates of Central Park (2001

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