which is more important?

查看11 | 回复10 | 2007-9-17 16:16:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
well citizenship is kinda important in some way... if u get the citizenship, u can hav more benefit... i dont really agree with appearance... ok i got canada citizenship, that means i can to go england or any other country freely... also if u got america citizenship, u can come to canada whenever u want... so yeah.. i think citizenship is more important

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千问 | 2007-9-17 16:16:37 | 显示全部楼层
Which is more important in terms of what? Marriage? If it's about marriage and the criteria of an ideal husband or wife, then they are the same, because both stress external factors that have nothing to do with a person's character, values, heath condition, mental ability, etc. Appearance and citizenship are part of a person's identity, but they cannot represent who that person is. If you put too much emphasis on these two aspects when looking for a partner, it'll make others question your motives of getting married. So what would you look for in your life-long partner? Do you want love from him or her? Do you want him or her to be considerate, to be kind, to be intelligent, to have similar values and at least, to care about you? Or a person with a charming face or an American citizenship or both is good enough for you? I understand that being practical in choosing a husband or wife is sometimes necessary and people make considerations on appearance and citizenship. But I sill believe those things are secondary comparing to who that person is when you disregard factors like appearance, citizenship, even title and income. I know sometimes it's difficult or even impossible to look at a person without thinking about these secondary things, but I'd like to make an effort. You can say that at age 17 I'm full of ideals, but I'll make sure that I stick to my principles when the time comes for me to look for my partner.

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千问 | 2007-9-17 16:16:37 | 显示全部楼层
the first onenothing is more important than citizenship

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千问 | 2007-9-17 16:16:37 | 显示全部楼层
appearanceif your appearance is good enough, you can get any citizenship you want.

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千问 | 2007-9-17 16:16:37 | 显示全部楼层
不怎么了解,但是我姐姐嫁去了比利时,拥有了那里的国籍,现在她很幸福.1 I don’t quite agree with what Rasen says. But after saying that, I must express understanding to her way of thinking taking her age into account; this idealistic perspective is not uncommon in most people of her age group Give her another 15 years, maybe she will have a different perspective then, maybe not! As for me, a man who has gone through the grind, I shall look at your question from another angle. Firstly, why do we want a U.S. citizenship? To be able to work there permanently or just prefer the way of life there? If answer to the first is yes, then we must be sure that we are highly qualified to earn big cheques; otherwise we would need to work like dogs to make ends meet, then why bother carrying coals to Newcastle? Look at those who work in the restaurants, standing hours washing dishes; or the Mexican immigrants, struggling for years but still living below poverty line. If the latter is the reason, we’d better make sure we have a fat accounts in the bank; only then we can really enjoy life there. But for that matter, we can enjoy life in any country, can’t we? The next question is how do we obtain the citizenship? Maybe by marrying a U.S. citizen irrespective of his or her appearance? Citizenship or appearance, is that the dilemma? Obviously, this is the easiest way; but are you going to depend on him or her for the rest of your life? What happens if the relationship does not last? Can you survive the crash? Or we may settle for appearance and select someone of our choice; however, the door swings both ways, the man or the lady of your choice and you may not see eye to eye! In my opinion, the fundamental prerequisite in life is to strive to enrich ourselves in all fronts, better equip ourselves with knowledge and skills, to prepare ourselves for that critical moment when we have to make the crucial decision. As far as I’m concerned, East or West, home is the best! So, look before you leap!2 Which is more important in terms of what? Marriage? If it's about marriage and the criteria of an ideal husband or wife, then they are the same, because both stress external factors that have nothing to do with a person's character, values, heath condition, mental ability, etc. Appearance and citizenship are part of a person's identity, but they cannot represent who that person is. If you put too much emphasis on these two aspects when looking for a partner, it'll make others question your motives of getting married. So what would you look for in your life-long partner? Do you want love from him or her? Do you want him or her to be considerate, to be kind, to be intelligent, to have similar values and at least, to care about you? Or a person with a charming face or an American citizenship or both is good enough for you? I understand that being practical in choosing a husband or wife is sometimes necessary and people make considerations on appearance and citizenship. But I sill believe those things are secondary comparing to who that person is when you disregard factors like appearance, citizenship, even title and income. I know sometimes it's difficult or even impossible to look at a person without thinking about these secondary things, but I'd like to make an effort. You can say that at age 17 I'm full of ideals, but I'll make sure that I stick to my principles when the time comes for me to look for my partner.

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千问 | 2007-9-17 16:16:37 | 显示全部楼层

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