
查看11 | 回复2 | 2009-12-24 06:28:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
High-rise residential building designThis design is a high-rise residential building, ground 12 storey layer. Housing construction area 38 meters, the mass transit for a device layer, layer, and the underlying high 3.9 m to 商服, storey 4.5 m, and the remaining floors are for residential use, 3 m high. Secretary for housing, lacal seimic intensity to 7 degrees, subcompartment venue, design seismic grouped into the first group. Structure of the main use of reinforced concrete frame-shearwall structural system, shearwall, elevators along the floor arrangement between, to reduce uneven settlement, pile foundation.This design consists of 5 parts: introduction, architectural, structural design, construction management plan and concludesthe. Architectural design incorporating a fire and evacuation of every unit set floors and escalators. Froof use PPC ethylene-propylene multi-layer composite water rollect with an insulating layer and the trap layer, with a drainage outside the organization. The inner walls are made of masonry, concrete hollow interior walls thick 200 mm thick exterior. The main structural design include: port stiffness calculation, calculation and design of internal forces. When the proposal is to determine the structure as much as possible the various components of the transmission path simple, clear the force; Tools|Options|Security shearwall and the stiffness of the frame so that the entire structure of the stiffness of the eigenvalue is justified; as you do vertical load and horizontal load force calculation, reasonable to load combination, depending on the collaborative works will load distribution to frame and shearwall; calculating the adjusted calculation carried out internal forces. Flat overall representation of the drawing surface of the construction drawing, specification, the expression strive to achieve a comprehensive and its aesthetic appearance.

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千问 | 2009-12-24 06:28:51 | 显示全部楼层
Design of high-rise residential buildingsThis design is a high-rise residential buildings, the ground 12 floors, one floor underground. Housing a total construction area of 38 meters, where underground for the device layer, layer 3.9 meters high, the bottom of commercial services, floor 4.5 meters high and the remaining floors are residential, storey 3 meters. Housing area of the earthquake intensity is 7 degrees, the second-class venues, to design the first group of seismic group. Structure of the main use of in-situ reinforced concrete frame shear wall structure system, shear wall along the floor, the elevator set up their equipment, in order to reduce the uneven settlement of foundation, using pile foundation.This design by five parts: Introduction, architectural design, structural design, construction organization design and concluding remarks. Architectural design, the full consideration of the fire and evacuation requirements, each module is located floor, lift each one. Roofing using PPC B C multi-layer composite drainage membrane, equipped with thermal insulation layer and the separated gas, using an organized outside the drainage. Are used within the walls of concrete hollow block masonry, interior wall thickness 200 mm, wall thickness 400 mm. Structural design include: structural arrangement, stiffness calculation, calculation of internal force computation and reinforcement. Determine the structure of the program as much as possible so that the various components of the force transmission path for a simple, mechanical clear; by selecting the stiffness of shear walls and frame so that the whole structure of the stiffness characteristics of the value at a reasonable range; for vertical loads and horizontal loads of force calculation, reasonable to load effect combination, and in accordance with principles of working together will be assigned to the frame and shear wall load in; find the adjusted calculation of internal forces for reinforcement. The overall representation of planar drawing of construction plans, seeks to regulate surface expression, detailed and beautiful.


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千问 | 2009-12-24 06:28:51 | 显示全部楼层
我一直知道我的英语并不好, I'd alway realized that I'm not doing well in English. 但是我一直相信我可以学得很好。 But I always have the faith that I could make it to learn this language well. 我希望有一天我可以在考试中取得优异的成绩, I wish someday I could easily get excellent marks in the tests. 希望有一天可以大声地用英语和外国朋友交流, And be able to speak to foreigners bravely and fluently. 希望有一天我的英语可以被我说的如同汉语那般流利。 I hope to speak English smoothly as I do in my native language. 我一直在努力,以后也将一直努力。 I've been working my best and willing to keep going on. 到我的英语很好很好了以后还是会继续努力。 I'll be struggling on it even if that someday I get a good command of English. 我相信我的英语不会一直都像现在这样! I think my English would be different from yesterday. 我相信‘谋事在人,成事在天’,更相信‘坚持就是胜利’。 I believe in the saying"Man proposes and God disposes. " And more in "Success belongs to the persevering." 我相信,总有一天,我将可以把英语说的同汉语一般好。 I believe in myself that someday I could make it to speak this language well enough as I do in Mandarin(汉语). 而这一天,不会太远,就在明天! And that day won't be far off but just right on the next bright morning. 二楼的翻译也很好,其它的就马马虎虎分数次要,多给你些建议吧,见如下个人经验 哥们,学外语,最重要的是有兴趣,老对着书本你肯定犯困,看双语字幕电影学最实在了 给你几个理由 第一,老外编剧写的台词,每个字都精确斟酌,保证语法语意通畅,要想学好外语,首先得保证学习资料的质量,总是拿半桶水的国人同胞自己写的那些蹩脚英文,你将永远只会说中国味的外语 第二,老外专业配音演员的口音,保证纯正地道,切音调,语速,语气变化丰富,适合模仿,便于训练听力,想想看,老外的吵架你都能轻松听懂,还在乎国人配音的慢速磁带么 第三,老老实实一句句抄写台词,即可以加强记忆,也能锻炼英文书法,还可以训练速记 第四,摘抄下来的台词,勤勤恳恳的每天抽时间背记,可以尝试结合影片情节记忆,效果相当好,要知道,你在记的正是老外每天在说的话,就好像我们生活在真实的国外环境当中一样 第五,常找人操练英文,百度HI或MSN都有,即便只有文字交流的机会,也要珍惜,顶多边打字边动嘴巴 第六,有问题多上网查询,那里有很多答案,总有一个你会满意 做到以上的,你完全可以不用听老师讲课也能考优秀了 我是个干苦力活的,没念过书,为了改变自己悲惨的现状,我也在刻苦练英文,用的就是这个方法,别瞎浪费钱买这买那,但最好带个MP5

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