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简明英汉词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------fatD.J.[f?t]K.K.[f?t]adj.多脂肪的, 肥胖的A fat man has much more flesh than a thin man.胖子比瘦子肉多。The baby is fat.这婴儿很胖。丰富的, 大量的The sale netted a fat profit for the company.这次销售为公司赚得了丰厚的利润。 n.脂肪, 油脂The pig stores a lot of fat in its body.猪在体内储存了大量的脂肪。肥肉She can't eat fat.她不能吃肥肉。 新牛津英汉双解大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------fat noun[mass noun]a natural oily or greasy substance occurring in animal bodies, especially when deposited as a layer under the skin or around certain organs脂肪,肥肉■a substance of this type, or a similar one made from plant products, used in cooking食用动物(或植物)油■the presence of an excessive amount of such a substance in a person or animal, causing them to appear corpulent肥胖he was a tall man, running to fat.他个子高,正在发胖。■[count noun](Chemistry)any of a group of natural esters of glycerol and various fatty acids, which are solid at room temperature and are the main constituents of animal and vegetable fat(化)(天然)油脂,脂肪酸。 比较 oil (fatter, fattest)(of a person or animal) having a large amount of excess flesh(人,动物)肥胖的the driver was a fat wheezing man.开车的是个气喘吁吁的胖子。■(of an animal bred for food) made plump for slaughter(为食用而饲养的动物)养肥待宰的■containing much fat油腻的;肥的fat bacon.油腻的熏肉。■large in bulk or circumference大个的,粗的a fat cigarette.一支粗大的香烟。■(informal)(of an asset or opportunity) substantial(非正式)(资产,机会)多的,大量的;巨大的a fat profit.丰厚的利润。■(informal)used ironically to express the belief that there is none or very little of something(非正式)极大的;颇多的(用作反话,表示没有或几乎没有)fat chance she had of influencing him.她左右他的可能性真是太大了。■(of coal) containing a high proportion of volatile oils(煤)挥发油含量高的 (fatted, fatting)(archaic)make or become fat(古)(使)发胖,长肥[with obj.]numbers of black cattle are fatted here.大量的菜牛在这儿养得膘肥体壮。[no obj.]the hogs have been fatting.这些猪在不停地长膘。[as adj. fatted]a fatted duck.一只养肥了的鸭子。
常用词组 the fat is in the fire trouble has been caused and is beginning惹上麻烦 kill the fatted calf produce one's best food to celebrate, especially at a prodigal's return(尤指因浪子回头而)设盛宴庆祝 live off (或 on) the fat of the land have the best of everything过锦衣玉食的生活,养尊处优
派生 fatlessadjective fatlyadverb fatnessnoun fattishadjective
语源Old English f?tt 'well fed, plump', also 'fatty, oily', of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch vet and German feist 现代英汉综合大辞典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------fat[f?t]adj.肥胖的; 肥大的; 丰满的; 饱满的(肉)肥的; (猪等)养肥了的肥沃的; 富的; (职务等)收益多的; 丰产的; (待遇等)优厚的; 有利的; 兴旺的厚的; (费用、银行存款等)巨大的丰富的; 充实的; 塞满的(嗓音)圆润的; (香味)浓郁的【刷】粗笔画的, 黑体的迟钝的; 呆笨的(某物质)含量高的; (煤)含高挥发物的; (木材)含树脂多的a fat year丰年a fat letter厚厚的一封信a fat price很大的代价The pods of the beans are getting fat.豆荚饱满起来。This book is fat with first-hand information.这本书第一手材料很丰富。
词性变化 fatn.肥肉; 脂肪; 油脂最好的部分; 最优美的文艺作品; 优厚待遇的工作【戏】要角; (演员所任角色中)能发挥演技的部分肥胖[常用复]已养肥可供销售的食用动物多余额; 积余; 储备; [俚]钱 vt. (fatted; fatting)养肥(up, out)用油脂处理(皮革)在...中加入脂肪 vi.长肥
继承用法 fatback [?f?tb?k]n.五花猪肉条 fat-based adj.脂基的; 脂肪基的 fat-brained adj.愚笨的 fat-chewing n.聊天, 闲谈 fat-faced adj.面孔圆胖的 fat-extenders n.油脂补充剂(加于食品中可以减少用油量) fat-extracted adj.脂肪已收出的或提出的 fat-free adj.无脂的 fathead [?f?thed]n.[口]笨蛋, 呆子 fat-witted [?f?t?w?t?d]adj.愚笨的; 傻的 fatwood n.多脂树 fatless adj. fatly adv. fatness n. fattish [?f?t??]adj.略胖的, 稍肥的
习惯用语 bit of fat [口]意外的好运气; 待遇优厚的工作 chew the fat [俚]闲谈, 聊天 cut it (too) fat [俚]做得太过分; 做得过火; 出风头 cut up fat [俚]留下大笔财产 fry in one's own fat 自作自受 fry the fat out of [美俚]摊派勒索 frying of fat [美俚]勒索金钱, 榨取油水 get fat 发胖 grow fat 发胖 get fat on 靠...过富裕舒适的生活 lick the fat from the beard of sb. [废]先发制人, 使别人无法取得成果或利益 live on one's own fat 吃老本 live on the fat of the land 极奢侈; 养尊处优 eat the fat of the land 极奢侈; 养尊处优 run to fat [口]长胖了; 发福 The fat is in the fire. 闯祸了, 事情搞糟了; 生米做成熟饭了; 木已成舟。 the fat of the land 最上等, 最珍贵的长品 wax fat and kick 由于发财而变得骄横
特殊用法 acetylated fat 乙酰(化)脂肪 anhydrous milk fat 无水乳脂肪, 脱水乳脂肪 basting fat 在烤肉时涂抹在肉上的油脂 beef marrow fat 牛骨髓油 biscuit fat 制饼干用油脂 bleached fat 脱色脂肪 blood fat 血脂 body fat 体脂肪 bone fat 骨脂, 骨油 bung fat 直肠脂肪臀(部)脂肪 casing fat [俗]肠脂, 汤油 caul fat [俗]网膜脂, 网油; 花油 chamois fat 油鞣用油脂 cheek-meat fat 肥颊肉 chip fat 肠油, 切碎脂肪, 无价值脂肪 clarified fat 澄清脂肪 confectionery fat 糖食用油脂, 糖果用油脂 congealed fat 凝固脂 consistent fat 稠脂肪 coot fat 黑鸭脂 crisp fat 猪油渣 crotch fat [俗]板油 cutting fat (分割胴体时修削下的)碎肥膘肉 deep fat 深油层 depot fat 储存脂肪 dika fat 地咖脂; 加蓬依苦木脂 dry-rendered fat 干法炼制的油脂 dug fat 乳房脂 edible fat 食用脂肪 external fat 表层脂肪 fixed fat 固定脂肪 flare fat 猪包肾脂肪 free-of-liquid fat 无水脂肪 fresh ham fat 鲜腿肥肉 garbage fat 下脚脂肪 glue fat 制胶副产脂肪 ham fat 后腿肥肉 hard fat 润滑油, 黄油; 硬脂 hardened fat 硬化油脂, 氢化油脂 hydrogenated fat 硬化油脂, 氢化油脂 hard-saturated fat 含硬质饱和甘油酯的油脂 high-melting fat 高熔点脂 hog fat 猪(脂)油 horse marrow fat 马髓脂 hudrogenated fat 氢化脂, 硬化油 hydrous wool fat 含水羊毛脂 ice fat 【水】冰脂, 油脂状冰 illepe fat 【材】莫脂 interior fat 内脏脂肪 visceral fat 内脏脂肪 intestinal fat 肠脂 killing fat 肠脂 intra-muscular fat 肌肉间脂肪, 夹花(脂), [俗]五花(肥)肉 jaw-pan fat (海豚或白鲸的)颌下脂 killing fat 肠区脂肪 kitchen fat 厨用酯 lamb caul fat 羊板油 leaf fat 肾脂, [俗]板油 kidney fat 肾脂, [俗]板油 low-melting fat 低熔点脂 mahubarana fat 【材】马胡巴拉纳脂肪 maroti fat 海南大风子油 maxillary fat (海洋动物的)颌脂 meat residue fat 下脚肉油 mesenteric fat 肠脂 mid-back fat 背膘 mineral fat 矿脂 mora fat 【材】莫脂 mowa fat 【材】莫脂 niam fat 非洲栎树油 nutrition fat 消化吸收性脂肪 ostrich fat 驼鸟脂 pig liver fat 猪肝脂 pine marten fat 松皮脂 plastic fat 软化脂 polished fat 精炼油脂 refined fat 精炼油脂 polyunsaturated fat 多不饱和脂肪 reflned wool fat 精制羊毛脂 saponified fat 皂化脂肪 seed fat 植物油 semi-solid fat 半硬脂 shoulder fat 猪肩肥肉, 前腿肥肉 sinking fat 底沟油(工厂排水流失的脂肪) snowball fat (扒下的)肠油牛腹表面的小粒脂肪 soap fat 制皂用脂 solid fat 固体脂肪, 高熔点脂肪 hard fat 固体脂肪, 高熔点脂肪 subcutaneous fat 皮下脂肪 tama fat 奶油树脂 teglam fat 南洋同翼香脂 tissue-like fat 肌肉组织内脂肪, [俗]五花 trimable fat 修割下的肥肉 udder fat 乳房脂 veil fat 网膜脂, 网油, [俗]花油 caul fat 网膜脂, 网油, [俗]花油 wet-rendered fat 湿法炼制的油脂 牛津英语搭配词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------fat nounsubstance directly under your skin 脂肪
[搭配]ADJ.excess, surplus 多余的脂肪body 身体脂肪puppy 儿童虚胖:It wasn’t easy to lose puppy fat when Mum fed her on stodgy home cooking. 母亲给她吃易饱的家常菜,她想减掉婴儿肥可是很难。
[搭配]VERB + FAT go to, put on, run to 长脂肪:If you eat too much you will put on fat. 吃得太多会长胖的。She was middle-aged and running to fat. 她人到中年,开始发福了。burn (off), lose, shed 燃烧脂肪;减掉脂肪:Exercise helps you burn off excess fat. 运动有助于消耗多余的脂肪。break down 分解脂肪:Claims that anticellulite creams can break down fat are controversial. 消脂霜可以分解脂肪的说法有争议。
[搭配]FAT + VERB accumulate 脂肪堆积:The waistline is usually the first area where fat accumulates. 最先有脂肪堆积的部位通常是腰部。
[搭配]PHRASESnot an ounce of fat 一点脂肪都没有:His body was all muscle, with not an ounce of fat. 他全身都是肌肉,一点脂肪都没有。a roll of fat 一圈脂肪:He had great rolls of fat round his middle. 他的腰部堆积起好几圈肥肉。in your diet/used in cooking 食用油脂
[搭配]ADJ.dietary 食用油脂added, excess, extra, surplus多余的油脂visible 可以看见的油脂animal, vegetable 动物油脂;植物油脂monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, saturated, unsaturated 单不饱和脂肪;多不饱和脂肪;饱和脂肪;不饱和脂肪:margarines that contain polyunsaturated fats 含有多不饱和脂肪的人造黄油cooking 烹调用油bacon, beef, etc. 猪油、牛油等hot 热油:Put the chicken in hot fat and braise thoroughly. 把鸡肉放入热油中焖至烂熟。
[搭配]VERB + FAT contain, have 含有油脂:This cheese has a lot of fat in it. 这种奶酪含有很多油脂。be high/low in 油脂含量高/ 低:Ice cream is high in fat and sugar. 冰淇淋油脂和糖分含量高。eat 食用油脂:The amount of fat you eat can affect the health of your heart. 摄入的油脂量会影响心脏的健康。cut down on 减少脂肪:It’s easy to cut down on fat without changing your diet too much. 饮食无需太大的改变就可以轻松减少脂肪。cut out 停止食用油脂:She has cut out fat altogether in an effort to lose weight. 她为了减肥,一点油脂也不吃。cut, trim 去除肥肉:Trim any visible fat off the meat before cooking. 烹调前,去除所有看得见的肥肉。drain (off), pour off, skim off 沥出油脂;倒出油脂;撇去油脂:Remove the turkey from the pan and drain off the excess fat. 把火鸡从盘中拿出,沥去多余的油。
[搭配]FAT + VERB contain sth 脂肪含有…:Fats contain more calories than carbohydrates for the same weight. 同样重量的脂肪和碳水化合物,脂肪含有的热量较多。spit脂油发出毕剥声:The only sound from the kitchen was the lamb fat spitting. 厨房里 只听见羊油发出的毕剥声。
[搭配]FAT + NOUN intake 脂肪摄入:the relationship between fat intake and cholesterol levels 脂肪摄入和胆固醇水平的关系content 脂肪含量:Despite its very low fat content, it is deliciously creamy. 虽然脂肪含量很少,但是味美似乳脂。
基本词义 fat adj.
[搭配]VERBSbe, feel, look 肥胖;感觉肥胖;看上去胖become, get, grow 变胖;长胖make sb 使某人胖:Try to cut out the foods that are making you fat. 尽量不吃会致胖的东西。
[搭配]ADV.enormously, hugely, immensely, really, very 特别胖;非常胖quite, rather 相当胖grossly, monstrously 极胖;胖得吓人
[搭配]PHRASESbig/great fat 极其肥胖:sitting next to a big fat woman 坐在一位大胖妇人的旁边a big fat envelope stuffed with banknotes 塞满钞票的鼓鼓囊囊的一个大信封 爱词霸网络百科--------------------------------------------------------------------------------FAT
文件配置表 [相关词] fat fat factor fat pocket fat cell fat globule udder fat trimable fat ostrich fat fat clarification consistent fat fat colours internal fat fat percentage crude fat fat mix fat yield ice fat fat stains fat embolus low-fat fat-splitting
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七国语言大词典(英文)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------fat [公共大词典-Common][RUS]жирный[GER]dick[FRE]gras, grasse[CHI]肥胖的 (feipangde)[JAP]太い (ふとい) , (futoi) [农业大词典-Agriculture][RUS]жир , сало , шпиг[GER]fett[FRE]gras[CHI]脂肪 (zhifang)[JAP]脂肪 (しぼう) , (shibo) [化学大词典-Chemistry][RUS]жир[GER]fett[FRE]graisse , gras[CHI]脂肪 (zhifang)[JAP]脂肪 (しぼう) , (shibo) [医学大词典-Medicine][RUS]жир[GER]fett[FRE]graisse[CHI]脂肪 (zhifang)[JAP]脂肪 (しぼう) , (shibo) [矿业大词典-Mining engineering][RUS]жир , сало[GER]fett[FRE]graisse[CHI]脂肪 (zhifang)[JAP]脂肪 (しぼう) , (shibo)

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fat形容词 a. 1.肥胖的Aunt Sarah is fat. 萨拉阿姨很胖。 2.(肉)肥的,多脂肪的The doctor told him to stay away from fat foods. 医生要他不要吃油腻的食品。 3.厚的;大量的They published their conclusions in one fat volume of a report. 他们出版了厚厚的一叠报告来公布其结论。 4.肥沃的5.愚蠢的;迟钝的6.含(某物质)多的名词 n. 1.(动、植物)脂肪[U]2.油脂[U]I don't like food cooked in deep fat. 我不喜欢油炸的食品。 不及物动词 vi. 1.长胖,长肥

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