
查看11 | 回复3 | 2007-9-27 11:07:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. I thought the family class is most bored 2. The fine arts and the science are equally important 3. English is important also the useful discipline 4. The physical education is which most receives welcome 15.th curriculum The history is inferior to the geography to welcome the person 6. The dictionary is the useful tool 7. Learns a foreign language is extremely beneficial 8. This kind of mix vegetable is not delicious 9. Zhou Enlai is in my ideal hero 10. They frequently together go to school 11. I want own to repair bicycle 12. The chicken flavor is good 13. My each month sees my grandmother two 14. You must practice your English spoken language 15. They are my close friend 16. I like the basketball, Yao Ming am I extremely respectively person 17. English is a useful language 18. He says certainly is certainly unimportant 19. This movie both long and is tasteless 20. These books are not welcome the student 21. We study English also to study Chinese 22. Please extracurricularly is speaking English 23. Now arrived the time which the children should sleep 24. That position puts on the yellow skirt the girl certainly is KITTY 25. In England, the soccer is the movement which quite receives welcome 26. He likes playing the tennis, I also like 27. I cannot solve this topic, he cannot

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千问 | 2007-9-27 11:07:00 | 显示全部楼层
1. I think the most boring homework 2. As important as art and science 3. English is an important and useful discipline 4. Physical education is one of the most popular courses 5. Popular history than geography 6. The dictionary is a useful tool 7. Learning a foreign language is very useful 8. This mixed dishes not tasty 9. Zhou Enlai is my ideal hero 10. They often go to school together 11. I want to repair their bicycles 12. Chicken Vegas 13. I went to see my grandmother a month twice 14. You have to practice your English Spoken 15. They are my friends 16. I like basketball, Yao Ming is very admirable people I 17. English is a useful language 18. He put it is not important 19. This film is long and tedious 20. These books from students 21. We also learn the Chinese language learning English 22. Please extracurricular English 23. Now that the children of the sleep time 24. The Yellow River skirt girl who must be fair 25. In Britain, football is a very popular sport 26. He likes to play tennis, I also love 27. I can not be out of this topic, he can not

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千问 | 2007-9-27 11:07:00 | 显示全部楼层
翻译要的 是时间和耐性!!你应该自己解决的啊!这样才能有所提高的!最后给你答案吧!!1. I think the most boring homework 2. As important as art and science 3. English is an important and useful discipline 4. Physical education is one of the most popular courses 5. Popular history than geography 6. The dictionary is a useful tool 7. Learning a foreign language is very useful 8. This mixed dishes not tasty 9. Zhou Enlai is my ideal hero 10. They often go to school together 11. I want to repair their bicycles 12. Chicken Vegas 13. I went to see my grandmother a month twice 14. You have to practice your English Spoken 15. They are my friends 16. I like basketball, Yao Ming is very admirable people I 17. English is a useful language 18. He put it is not important 19. This film is long and tedious 20. These books from students 21. We also learn the Chinese language learning English 22. Please extracurricular English 23. Now that the children of the sleep time 24. The Yellow River skirt girl who must be fair 25. In Britain, football is a very popular sport 26. He likes to play tennis, I also love 27. I can not be out of this topic, he can not

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千问 | 2007-9-27 11:07:00 | 显示全部楼层
1.我认为家课最无聊1. I think the most boring homework.2.美术和科学一样重要 2. As important as art and science.3.英语是一门重要且有用的学科3. English is an important and useful discipline. 4.体育课是最受欢迎的课程之一4. Physical education is one of the most popular courses. 5.历史不及地理受人欢迎5. Popular history than geography. 6.字典是有用的工具 6. The dictionary is a useful tool.7.学好一门外语是非常有益的7. Learning a foreign language is very useful. 8.这种混合的菜不好吃8. This mixed dishes not tasty.9.周恩来是我理想中的英雄 9. Zhou Enlai is my ideal hero.10.他们经常一起上学 10. They often go to school together.11.我要自己修自行车 11. I want to repair their bicycles.12.鸡味道好 12. Chicken Vegas.13.我每月去看望我祖母两次13. I went to see my grandmother a month twice. 14.你必须练习你的英语口语14. You have to practice your English Spoken. 15.他们是我的密友15. They are my friends. 16.我喜欢篮球,姚明是我非常钦佩的人16. I like basketball, Yao Ming is very admirable people I. 17.英语是一门有用的语言17. English is a useful language. 18.他所讲得并不重要18. He put it is not important. 19.这电影既长又乏味19. This film is long and tedious. 20.这些书不受学生欢迎 20. These books from students.21.我们学习英语也学习汉语 21. We also learn the Chinese language learning English.22.请在课外讲英语22. Please extracurricular English. 23.现在到了孩子们该睡觉的时候了23. Now that the children of the sleep time. 24.那位穿黄裙子的姑娘一定是KITTY24. The Yellow River skirt girl who must be fair. 25.在英国,足球是一门相当受欢迎的运动25. In Britain, football is a very popular sport. 26.他喜欢打网球,我也喜欢 26. He likes to play tennis, I also love.27.我不能解出这个题目,他也不能27. I can not be out of this topic, he can no.

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