
查看11 | 回复1 | 2007-10-5 18:51:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
谁会没事弄这些东西你学校里考计算机吧 不会答案让别人给你作题太狡猾了 我全会但我一个也不想说

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2007-10-5 18:51:21 | 显示全部楼层
One, because different operating speed, the computer's CPU is not directly exchange data input and output devices, but to pass () to do the work. 2, which is 16MB memory () bytes; 32 address lines of its largest computer memory configuration () MB; If the aircraft data lines 32, its biggest memory configuration for the () character. 3, the computer language usually divided into (A), (B), (C) three categories, the use of which (A) - programmed, the computer can not "translated" to start direct identification and implementation, and (B) is called by some "processors "alphabetical order, the use of (B) - programmed, the computer should it" translated "into (A) can be implemented, this process is known as (D). PASCAL with the C + + language "translation" of (A) instruction code, (E) and (F) in two ways. People (D), (E) generated by the results of (A) procedures called () procedure, and will be used (B), (C) prepared by the procedure known as () procedure. (Fill in brackets, and the A \ B \ C mean ...) 4, in the computer system, in accordance with the central processing unit of the close links can be divided into memory (A) and (B) two categories. The central processing unit can read and write (A) of the contents, and (B) is to overcome (A) (C) and the introduction of contradictions. Widely used in (A) is (D), and large-scale use of (B) (E). For answers (2005): A, B, D, E: 1, 2 magnetic surface memory, core memory 3, 4 discs memory, the main memory 5, CD-6 memory, magnetic bubble memory 7, 8 semiconductor memory, auxiliary memory C: 1, performance, but difficult to manufacture two cheaper prices, but three poor performance, large capacity, but slow four, fast, but the capacity.不知道翻译的行不哦`空格也给你留出来了 自己填哦

使用道具 举报

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