
查看11 | 回复8 | 2007-11-21 15:17:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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千问 | 2007-11-21 15:17:24 | 显示全部楼层
The Li Shang Yin's poetry and song diction is completely beautiful , intention accumulates depths declining , the artistic conception dim moonlight is deep and quiet, implicit deep connotation and the tactful vague form combine each other, the dim moonlight is sad and mild , the feeling true meaning is sure with the intelligent world as showing a marriage partner , in order to, the inner restrains mild way and descendants is intelligent the profundity emotion mingles most each other , produce one kind of intense resonance , the main body of a book emphasizing the what be composed out exploration and contribution discussing Li Shang Yin's poetry and song in the respect of digging the intelligent world.

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千问 | 2007-11-21 15:17:24 | 显示全部楼层
Li Shangyin poetry文辞Qingli, the Deep Meaning of micro, moods Obscurity remote and quiet, subtle and profound meaning of the broad account euphemism subtle combination of the world as a soul would object of expression to the unclear凄婉, Earnest, restrained and moderate approach posterity soul of the innermost feelings blend, have a strong resonance, the paper focuses on the poetry of Li Shangyin world in generating the soul made by the exploration and contributions.

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千问 | 2007-11-21 15:17:24 | 显示全部楼层
The Li Shang Yin's poetry and song diction is completely beautiful , intention accumulates depths declining , the artistic conception dim moonlight is deep and quiet, implicit deep connotation and the tactful vague form combine each other, the dim moonlight is sad and mild , the feeling true meaning is sure with the intelligent world as showing a marriage partner , in order to, the inner restrains mild way and descendants is intelligent the profundity emotion mingles most each other , produce one kind of intense resonance , the main body of a book emphasizing the what be composed out exploration and contribution discussing Li Shang Yin's poetry and song in the respect of digging the intelligent world 或Li Shangyin's poetry language simple and beautiful, 意蕴 abstruse,ideal condition dim profound, contains the deep connotation and thetactful vague 表相 union, the mind world took the performanceobject, to dim is touching, 情真意切, in collects the temperateway and the posterity mind most deep place emotion blends, has onekind of intense sympathetic chord, this article emphaticallyelaborates Li Shangyin's poetry the exploration and the contributionwhich makes in the digging mind world aspect.

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千问 | 2007-11-21 15:17:24 | 显示全部楼层
Li Shangyin's poetry language simple and beautiful, implication abstruse, ideal condition dim quiet? Contains the deep connotation and tactful vague commends ties ? Takes the performance the mind world to ? By dim chilly? The sentiment true meaning cuts, in collects the temperate way and the posterity mind most deep place emotion blends, has one kind of intense sympathetic chord, this article elaborates Li Shangyin's poetry emphatically the exploration and the contribution which makes in the digging mind world aspect.Li Shangyin's poetry language simple and beautiful,abstruse,ideal condition dim profound, contains the deep connotation and thetactful vague union, the mind world took the performanceobject, to dim is touching, in collects the temperateway and the posterity mind most deep place emotion blends, has onekind of intense sympathetic chord, this article emphaticallyelaborates Li Shangyin's poetry the exploration and the contributionwhich makes in the digging mind world aspect.

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2007-11-21 15:17:24 | 显示全部楼层
李商隐的诗歌文辞清丽、意蕴深微、意境朦胧幽深,含蓄深沉的内涵与委婉隐晦的表相结合,将心灵世界作为表现对象,以朦胧凄婉,情真意切,内敛温和的方式与后人心灵最深处的情感相交融,产生一种强烈的共鸣,本文着重论述李商隐的诗歌在开掘心灵世界方面所做出的探索和贡献。Li Shangyin's poetry language simple and beautiful, implication abstruse, ideal condition dim profound, contains the deep connotation and tactful vague commends the union, the mind world took performance object, by dim touching, the sentiment true meaning cuts, in collects the temperate way and the posterity mind most deep place emotion blends, has one kind of intense sympathetic chord, this article elaborates Li Shangyin's poetry emphatically the exploration and the contribution which makes in the digging mind world aspect.

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2007-11-21 15:17:24 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2007-11-21 15:17:24 | 显示全部楼层
The Li Shang Yin's poetry and song diction is completely beautiful , intention accumulates depths declining , the artistic conception dim moonlight is deep and quiet, implicit deep connotation and the tactful vague form combine each other, the dim moonlight is sad and mild , the feeling true meaning is sure with the intelligent world as showing a marriage partner , in order to, the inner restrains mild way and descendants is intelligent the profundity emotion mingles most each other , produce one kind of intense resonance , the main body of a book emphasizing the what be composed out exploration and contribution discussing Li Shang Yin's poetry and song in the respect of digging the intelligent world一个人一总答案.

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2007-11-21 15:17:24 | 显示全部楼层
Li Shangyin's poetry language simple and beautiful, 意蕴 abstruse, ideal condition dim profound, contains the deep connotation and the tactful vague 表相 union, the mind world took the performance object, to dim is touching, 情真意切, in collects the temperate way and the posterity mind most deep place emotion blends, has one kind of intense sympathetic chord, this article emphatically elaborates Li Shangyin's poetry the exploration and the contribution which makes in the digging mind world aspect.

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