Drink 翻译成汉语是什么意思

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vt. 1. 饮,喝 2. 举杯祝贺 3. 喝酒喝得[O] 4. (植物、土壤等)吸收 vi. 1. 饮,喝 2. 喝酒;酗酒 3. 干杯[(+to)] n. 1. 饮料[C][U] 2. 酒[U] 3. (饮料或酒的)一杯,一口[C] 4. 喝酒;酗酒[C][U]

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drink[drINk]n.饮料, 酒, 酗酒, 一口(或一些)饮料v.喝, 喝酒, (植物、土壤等的)吸水, 举杯庆贺drinkdrinkAHD:[dr1ngk] D.J.[dr!0k]K.K.[dr!0k]v.(动词)drank[dr2ngk] drunk[dr?ngk] drink.ing,drinks v.tr.(及物动词)To take into the mouth and swallow (a liquid).饮:放入口中并吞咽(一种液体)To swallow the liquid contents of (a vessel):从…中饮:吞咽(容器)中的液体物质:drank a cup of tea.喝一杯茶To take in or soak up; absorb:吸收或吸入;吸取:drank the fresh air; spongy earth that drank up the rain.呼吸新鲜空气;饱浸雨水的绵软泥土To take in eagerly through the senses or intellect:沉溺于…之中:通过感觉或智力急切地吸取:drank in the beauty of the day.沉醉于白日的美丽To give or make (a toast).祝(酒)To toast (a person or an occasion, for example):祝:祝(某人或某个场合):We'll drink your health.我们为您的健康干杯To bring to a specific state by drinking alcoholic liquors:通过喝酒精饮料进入一定的状态:drank our sorrows away.借酒浇愁v.intr.(不及物动词)To swallow liquid:喝:吞下液体:drank noisily; drink from a goblet.出声地喝;用高脚杯喝酒精饮料To imbibe alcoholic liquors:喝酒:They only drink socially.他们只在社交场合喝酒To salute a person or an occasion with a toast:为某人或某个场合祝酒:We will drink to your continued success.我们祝您不断成功n.(名词)A liquid that is fit for drinking; a beverage.饮料:适于饮用的液体;饮料An amount of liquid swallowed:一口,一杯:喝下的液体量:took a long drink from the fountain.喝了一大口泉水An alcoholic beverage, such as a cocktail or highball.酒类:酒精饮料,如鸡尾酒或高杯酒Excessive or habitual indulgence in alcoholic liquor.酗酒:过度或习惯性地大量饮用酒精饮料Slang A body of water; the sea:【俚语】 水体;海:The hatch cover slid off the boat and into the drink.舱盖从船上滑入海里Middle English drinken 中古英语 drinken from Old English drincan * seedhreg- 源自 古英语 drincan *参见 dhreg- drink[drINk]n.饮料, 酒, 酗酒, 一口(或一些)饮料v.喝, 喝酒, (植物、土壤等的)吸水, 举杯庆贺drinkdrinkAHD:[dr1ngk] D.J.[dr!0k]K.K.[dr!0k]v.drank[dr2ngk] drunk[dr?ngk] drink.ing,drinks v.tr.To take into the mouth and swallow (a liquid).To swallow the liquid contents of (a vessel):drank a cup of tea.To take in or soak up; absorb:drank the fresh air; spongy earth that drank up the rain.To take in eagerly through the senses or intellect:drank in the beauty of the day.To give or make (a toast).To toast (a person or an occasion, for example):We'll drink your health.To bring to a specific state by drinking alcoholic liquors:drank our sorrows away.v.intr.To swallow liquid:drank noisily; drink from a goblet.To imbibe alcoholic liquors:They only drink socially.To salute a person or an occasion with a toast:We will drink to your continued success.n.A liquid that is fit for drinking; a beverage.An amount of liquid swallowed:took a long drink from the fountain.An alcoholic beverage, such as a cocktail or highball.Excessive or habitual indulgence in alcoholic liquor.Slang A body of water; the sea:The hatch cover slid off the boat and into the drink.Middle English drinken from Old English drincan * seedhreg- drinkguzzlesipswallowdrink[drINk]vt.饮 vi.喝 n.饮料

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