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只找了7部1.飘 (乱世佳人) Gone with The Wind Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for. Because it’s the only thing that lasts.土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作, 为之战斗, 为之牺牲的东西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西2.TitanicI figure life is a gift and I don’t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you’re going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you. 我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它,你不会知道下一手牌会是什么,要学会接受生活。 God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death. Neither shall there be sorrow or dying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former world has passed away. 上帝擦去他们所有的眼泪.死亡不再有,也不再有悲伤和生死离别,不再有痛苦,因往事已矣. 3.The lion kingEverything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。4 dead poet societyCarpe diem. Seize the day,boys. Make your lives extraordinary. 人生就应该是快乐的,要抓住每一天,孩子们。让你们的生活变得非凡起来。5.Jane EyreI am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal — as we are! ’ 上帝没有这么做,而我们的灵魂是平等的,就仿佛我们两人穿过坟墓,站在上帝脚下,彼此平等——本来就如此!”6.The Shaw shank RedemptionI Guess it comes down to a simple choice. Get busy living or get busy dying! 我想这是一个非常简单的选择。要么就是生存下去,要么就选择死亡。 7.the pursuit of happiness---my favorite^^You have a dream, you got to protect it. 如果你有梦想,就要守护它People can't do something by themselves; they wanna tell you you can not do it.当人们做不到一些事情的时候,他们就会对你说你也同样不能。

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字号:小中大| 打印 发布: 2008-8-11 11:02
作者: webmaster
来源: yeeyan.com
查看: 2982次 10,000 B.C.Director Roland Emmerich is usually a stickler for realism (see: sending a computer virus via Macintosh to aliens in Independence Day). So we hate to inform him that woolly mammoths were not, in fact, used to build pyramids. Heck, woolly mammoths weren't even found in the desert. They wouldn't need to be woolly if that were the case. And there weren't any pyramids in Egypt until 2,500 B.C or so. GladiatorEmperor Commodus was not the sniveling sister-obsessed creep portrayed in the movie. A violent alcoholic, sure, but not so whiny. He ruled ably for over a decade rather than ineptly for a couple months. He also didn't kill his father, Marcus Aurelius, who actually died of chickenpox. And instead of being killed in the gladiatorial arena, he was murdered in his bathtub. 300Though this paean to ancient moral codes and modern physical training is based on the real Battle of Thermopylae, the film takes many stylistic liberties. The most obvious one being Persian king Xerxes was not an 8-foot-tall Cirque du Soleil reject. The Spartan council was made up of men over the age of 60, with no one as young as Theron (played by 37-year-old Dominic West). And the warriors of Sparta went into battle wearing bronze armor, not just leather Speedos.The Last SamuraiThe Japanese in the late 19th century did hire foreign advisers to modernize their army, but they were mostly French, not American. Ken Watanabe's character was based on the real Saigo Takamori who committed ritual suicide, or "seppuku," in defeat rather than in a volley of Gatling gun fire. Also, it's doubtful that a 40-something alcoholic Civil War vet, even one with great hair, would master the chopsticks much less the samurai sword. ApocalyptoThis one movie has given entire Anthropology departments migraines. Sure the Maya did have the odd human sacrifice but not to Kulkulkan, the Sun God, and only high-ranking captives taken in battle were killed. The conquistadors arriving at the end of the film made for unlikely saviors: an estimated 90% of indigenous American population was killed by smallpox from their infected livestock. Memoirs of a GeishaThe geisha coming-of-age, called "mizuage," was really more of a makeover, where she changed her hairstyle and clothes. It didn't involve her getting... intimate with a client. In the climactic scene where Sayuri wows Gion patrons with her dancing prowess, her routine - which involves some platform shoes, fake snow, and a strobe light - seems more like a Studio 54 drag show than anything in pre-war Kyoto. BraveheartLet's forget the fact that kilts weren't worn in Scotland until about 300 years after William Wallace's day and just do some simple math. According to the movie, Wallace's blue-eyed charm at the Battle of Falkirk was so overpowering, he seduced King Edward II's wife, Isabella of France, and the result of their affair was Edward III. But according to the history books, Isabella was three years old at the time of Falkirk, and Edward III was born seven years after Wallace died. Elizabeth: The Golden AgeIn 1585, when the movie takes place, Queen Elizabeth was 52 years old - Cate Blanchett was 36 when she shot the film - and was not being courted by suitors like Ivan the Terrible (who was dead by then). And though the movie has her rallying the troops at Tilbury astride a white steed in full armor with a sword, in fact she rode side saddle, carrying a baton. She was more of a regal majorette than Joan of Arc. The PatriotRevolutionary War figure Francis "The Swamp Fox" Marion was the basis for Mel Gibson's character, but he wasn't the forward-thinking family man they show in the flick. He was a slave owner who didn't get married (to his cousin) until after the war was over. Historians also say that he actively persecuted and murdered native Cherokees. Plus, the thrilling Battle of Guilford Court House where he vanquishes his British nemesis? In reality, the Americans lost that one. 2001: A Space OdysseyAccording to this film, in year 2001 we would have had manned voyages to Jupiter, a battle of wits with a sentient computer, and a quantum leap in human evolution. Instead we got the Mir Space Station falling from the sky, Windows XP, and Freddy Got Fingered. Apparently the lesson here is that sometimes it's better when the movies get the facts all wrong. 1.《公元前10000年》导演 Roland Emmerich 通常是一位坚持现实主义的人,(相关内容:美国独立日通过Macintosh向外星传播电脑病毒事件)所以我们不想告诉他,实际上那个时候长着羊毛的庞然大物不是用来建金字塔的,当然也不会在沙漠里发现饲草架和长着羊毛的庞然大物,即使有,那它们也不需要长羊毛;再说了,埃及直到公元前2500年才有金字塔。2.《角斗士》罗马帝王康莫得斯(Commodus)也并非如电影描述的那样,是一个哭哭啼啼有着恋姐情结的讨厌鬼。他确实是一个暴力狂,但却不浮躁。他统治罗马有10多年,而不是无能的在皇帝的宝座上只呆了几个月。他也没有弑杀父王,他的父皇马库斯.奥勒琉斯(Marcus Aurelius)实际上死于水痘。另外,康莫得斯是在浴缸里被谋杀的,而不是死在角斗场上。3.《斯巴达300勇士》虽然这是一部基于塞莫皮莱之战史实来赞扬古代道德标准与现代体育的大片,但还是有许多地方的文风发挥过于自由。最明显的是波斯国王薛西斯一世并不是一位身高8尺的怪物群队的头领;另外,斯巴达参议会议员年龄都在60岁以上,没有像瑟伦(Theron)这样年轻的议员,(由37岁的多米尼克.维斯特饰演)。再者,斯巴达战士上战场都穿铜盔甲,而不是穿着皮制Speedos三角裤上阵。4.《最后的武士》19世纪末日本的确雇佣过外国人来训练他们的现代化军队,但大部分被雇者是法国人,而不是 美国人。Ken Watannabe(演员名)所扮演的角色是基于Saigo Takamori按传统仪式自杀(或说“切腹自杀”)的真实事件,其自杀原因是由于战败,而非因为被困于战火之中。还有让人质疑的是,一个曾参加过内战的约莫40岁的老兵兼酒鬼,居然拿筷子远远不如舞剑利索。5.《启示录》这是一部让所有人类学研究者头痛的电影。当然玛雅人会把人当祭品,但不会供奉给太阳神---Kulkulkan,另外,战争中只有抓到的高级俘虏才会被杀。电影最后西班牙人的到来也并不意味着他们是救世主:估计有90%的本地美洲人都死于天花,其病源就是西班牙人养着的被感染了天花的牲畜。6.《艺伎回忆录》艺伎到了一定的年龄,就叫“Mizuage”,这时不只是小小的修饰,而是从发型到服饰全面换新,但并不表明她可以和来客有亲密的举动。有一个精彩画面,小百合(Sayuri)用她的舞姿赢得了全场人的赞誉。她演出的行头包括一双厚底鞋,仿造雪景,和一盏闸灯;然而这些行头似乎更像一个舞台drag 秀(男扮女装的表演),而不是战前京都应有的。7.《勇敢的心》先撇开Kilts是在威廉.华莱士时代300年后才出生在苏格兰不说,我们只做个简单的算术题。在电影里,在整个苏格兰教会内战中,华莱士迷人的蓝眼睛太有慑服力了,这使爱德华二世的妻子伊莎贝拉深深为他着迷并生有私情,之后怀上了爱德华三世。但据史书记载,苏格兰教会内战时期,伊莎贝拉只有3岁,而爱德华三世是在华莱士死后七年才出生的。8.《伊丽莎白:黄金时代》电影将时间定位在1585年,那时伊丽莎白女王52岁----电影饰演者Cate Blanchett 36岁----此时伊丽莎白没有被如伊凡(Ivan)等众多爱慕者追求,且那时伊凡(Ivan)已经死了。虽然电影中,伊丽莎白女王统领着全副武装,身佩宝剑,驾着白马车的军队,但事实上她只是骑着马鞍,手持权棒而已,她是一位皇权的代表,而非贞德般的女英雄。9.《爱国者》美国革命战争中的Francis "The Swamp Fox" Marion形象是Mel Gibson人物的原型,但Francis并非如电影里表现的那样,是一位思想前卫的家长。他是一个奴隶主,直到战争结束才结婚(同表(堂)妹结婚),史学家也评价他乐衷于迫害甚至杀害本地切罗基族人(Cherokees)。另外,发生在Guilford Court House的令人毛骨悚然的搏斗,最后是马里恩击败了他的英国强敌,但实际上是美国人输了。10.《2001:太空漫游》电影里,2001年,我们就已经有人去木星旅行,还会爆发一场智人和智能电脑之战,这将是人类发展的一次大飞跃。然而这些并没发生,事实是2001年,和平号空间站从太空坠落,Windows XP和Freddy才刚问世。显然,我们从中学到的是:当电影把事实完全搞错时,有时未必不是好事。问 你是初一7班的吗.................

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