关于英语的 帮帮忙

查看11 | 回复0 | 2010-1-28 20:19:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(一)A: Excuse me.Could you tell me how I can (get) to the History Museum, please?B: Certainly. Walk (along) this road and (turn) right at the second (cross) 或者 turning Then walk(straight) until you reach a river.A: A river?B: Dou’t worry! There (is) a stone bridge over the river. Just (go)across it, and you’ll see the sign “To History Museum” , you can’t(miss) it.A: How(far) is it from here?B: About twenty minutes’walk. A: thank you very much. B: You’re (welcome)
(二)A: Hello! Could I (talk)(to) the headmaster, please?B: (just)(wait ) for a moment, please.
a moment later....A: I'm sorry he is out at the moment.May I take a message(for)you?A: That’s very kind ( of) you. Next week, I want Mr.Wang to(give) us a talk. (will ) he able to come?B: I don’t know, but I’ll (left) a message (on )his desk.A: Thank you very much. Goodbye!B: Goodbye!
(三)A:( What ) bad weather! I don’t like the rain.B: Yes, it’s bad now.A: Will it (last) long?B: No, it won’t. I think it’ll be better soon.A: (how ) do you know?B: The radio says the (rain) will stop later(then)
( 四 )A: It (seems)it’s going to (be) sunny.B: Yes, it’s(much) better than yesterday.A: They say we’re going to get some rain.B: Oh, let’s just hope it (tobe)warm.
(五)A: Hi, Li Peng. Summer holiday will be coming.(what) are you going to do?B: I’m going to Qingdao (with)my parents.A: Have you ever (been) there (before )?B: No, (but) my mother has been there twice.A: Do you like swimming?B: Yes, very much.A: I think you will (enjoy ) yourself.B: Yes, I (think ) I will.A: I wish you have a (wonderful) summer holiday. B: The (same) to you.这些对话很不错~很实用 是一些不错的 练口语的 例句。

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