
查看11 | 回复0 | 2007-12-22 19:40:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
the wolf in sheep's clothing A wolf once found a sheep's skin,and , thinking he would have an easy way of getting his prey,wrapped himself in it and slipped into the sheepfold with the flock,intending to kill all he wanted during the night. But soon after the shepherd had made the door fast,he found he had nothing for supper,and ,going in with an ax to kill a sheep,he mistook the wolf for one of them and killed him on the spot. * The wicked often fall into their own traps. 披着羊皮的狼 从前有只狼,得到了一张羊皮,心想他这次可以很轻易地捕捉到猎物.他把自己裹在羊皮里,跟着羊混进了羊圈,到了晚上,他便可以随心所欲地大开杀戒了. 当牧羊人把羊圈的门栓紧后,忽然想到自己的晚餐还没有着落.于是,牧羊人拿着一把斧头进了羊圈,想杀一只羊来做晚餐,结果狼被错当成羊当场给杀了. * 恶人通常自做自受.

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