
查看11 | 回复4 | 2008-1-5 15:36:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.So you love your parents, you had this Cubaodeduidai them, how you can justify their actions?会一句

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千问 | 2008-1-5 15:36:37 | 显示全部楼层
1.你父母那么爱你,你竟这样粗暴地对待他们,你如何能为自己的行为辩解?1.your parents so love you, you unexpectedly treat them like this crudely, how you can for their behavior argument? 2.他已经长大了,不再有青春期抽烟喝酒的习惯了He had already grown up, no longer had be used to it which the puberty smoked drinks 3.我们认为这是不言自明的:任何国家都不应该干涉他国内政,大国尤其如此。 .we thought that this is obviously: Any country should not interfere other country internal affairs, the great nation especially so. 4.家道中落之前,他们无法想象自己会对住小房子,吃干面包,喝白开水的简朴生活也很知足Before the family fortune declines, they will be unable to imagine itself to live in the small house, will eat does the bread, will drink the plain boiled water the simple life very much to be also content 5.虽然歹徒夸口绝不会给活捉,但是被围之后,他毫不反抗就屈服了Although the scoundrel boasted that will not give captures alive, but after being encircled, he did not revolt submits 6.为了接受高等教育,她激烈地与父亲认为女人注定一生围着厨房转的观念抗争In order to accept the higher education, she with the father thought intensely the woman is doomed the life to gather round the idea which the kitchen transfers to resist 7.这位单身母亲给女儿灌输的都是些女权主义观点。This single mother instills into to the daughter is the feminism viewpoint.8.赛珍珠(Pearl Sydenstricker Buck)生于传教士家庭,随父母在中国生活了17年,深受中国文化的熏陶Pearl Sydenstricker Buck was born in the missionary family, has lived for 17 years along with the parents in China, the depth Chinese culture gradually influencing.

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千问 | 2008-1-5 15:36:37 | 显示全部楼层
1.你父母那么爱你,你竟这样粗暴地对待他们,你如何能为自己的行为辩解?(justify) Your parents love you so much, but you treat them rudely like that,how do you justify your action?2.他已经长大了,不再有青春期抽烟喝酒的习惯了。(outgrow) He is old enough to outgrow his habit of smoking and drinking like the youth.3.我们认为这是不言自明的:任何国家都不应该干涉他国内政,大国尤其如此。(be true of) We think it is true of any country not to interfere other countries' domestic/internal affairs,especially of those bigger powers/great nations.4.家道中落之前,他们无法想象自己会对住小房子,吃干面包,喝白开水的简朴生活也很知足。(content with)Before their declination, they didn't imagine they would be satisfied with the simple life of living in small houses,eating tokes/dry bread and drinking plain boiled water.5.虽然歹徒夸口绝不会给活捉,但是被围之后,他毫不反抗就屈服了。(submit to) In spite of his boast of never being caught,the gangster submitted unresistingly to the besieging people.6.为了接受高等教育,她激烈地与父亲认为女人注定一生围着厨房转的观念抗争。(be doomed to) In order to gain the chance of high education, she fought strongly the idea from her father that women would be doomed to stay at kitchens in their lives.7.这位单身母亲给女儿灌输的都是些女权主义观点。(instill in) The single mother instilled in her daughter all the ideas of feminism.8.赛珍珠(Pearl Sydenstricker Buck)生于传教士家庭,随父母在中国生活了17年,深受中国文化的熏陶。(be saturated with/in)Pearl Sydenstricker Buck, who was born in a missionary family,lived with her parents in China for 17 years during which she was saturated with Chinese cultures.

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千问 | 2008-1-5 15:36:37 | 显示全部楼层
1. do your parents that love you, you unexpectedly treat them like this crudely, how you can for their behavior argument? (justify) 2. he had already grown up, no longer had be used to it which the puberty smoked drinks. (outgrow) 3. we thought that this is obviously: Any country should not interfere other country internal affairs, the great nation especially so. (before be true of) the 4. family fortune declines, they will be unable to imagine itself to live in the small house, will eat does the bread, will drink the plain boiled water the simple life very much to be also content. (content with) 5., although the scoundrel boasted that will not give captures alive, but after being encircled, he did not revolt submits. (submit to) 6. to accept the higher education, she with the father thought intensely the woman is doomed the life to gather round the idea resistance which the kitchen transfers. (be doomed to) 7. this single mother instills into to the daughter is the feminism viewpoint. (instill in) 8. Sai Pearl (Pearl Sydenstricker Buck) was born in the missionary family, has lived for 17 years along with the parents in China, the depth Chinese culture gradually influencing. (be saturated with/in)

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千问 | 2008-1-5 15:36:37 | 显示全部楼层
楼上高手帮我翻译一下啊 对不起 打个广告 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/43035005.html

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