
查看11 | 回复1 | 2010-2-27 14:00:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
就是we are the world

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千问 | 2010-2-27 14:00:57 | 显示全部楼层
U2’s famed guitarist the edge has confirmed that the group will collaborate with rapper Jay-Z on an upcoming song for charity. According to The Edge, super producer Swizz Beatz reached out to U2 front man Bono with the idea of creating a benefit song for Haiti, which was rocked by a 7.0 earthquake last Tuesday (January 12). “Last night we wrote a song,” The Edge revealed. “Bono got a call from a producer, Swizz. He and Jay-Z wanted to do something for Haiti. So, Bono came up with the phrase on the phone, and last night we were here. We wrote a song, finished, recorded and send back to them. So, that might be the next thing you hear from us!" Swizz Beatz also confirmed that the three chart topping artists were in the recording studio working on a track via his Twitter page. "Me, Bono, Hova (Jay-Z), have something to say about Haiti,” Swizz Tweeted. “Stay tuned. I told you I was working on something amazing for Haiti They need us!!" In November, Jay-Z and U2 performed U2’s hit single “Sunday, Bloody Sunday” together at the MTV Europe Music Awards. Both Jay-Z and U2 have been hailed for the charitable work, most notably in Africa.In related news, Jay-Z has been confirmed as a performer at this year's Brit Awards, which take place February 16 at London's Earl's Court. Jay-Z and his album Blueprint 3 are nominated for two awards: Best International Album and Best International Male.摘要:U2组合成员、著名吉他手The Edge日前证实,U2将和Jay-Z为海地灾区合作一首慈善单曲。The Edge称,超级制作人Swizz Beatz之前已联系过U2队长Bono,就为海地创作歌曲一事达成共识。他透露“Bono接到Swizz的电话,得知他和Jay-Z想一起为海地做些事情;我们当然应允。昨晚我们写了首歌,录完后发给了他们。不久后大家应该就会听到这次的作品。”Swizz Beatz也在他的Twitter页面上表示,当前他们三人正在录音室里制作这首歌“我,Bono还有Hova都有话想对海地说;期待吧,绝对会很棒。海地需要我们。”去年11月,Jay-Z和U2就曾在MTV欧洲音乐颁奖晚会上同台演绎U2的单曲“Sunday, Bloody Sunday”。另据消息,全英音乐颁奖晚会定于今年2月16日在伦敦伯爵府举行,Jay-Z已确定担任演出嘉宾:他和他的新专辑Blueprint 3已分别获得了“最佳国际男艺人”以及“最佳国际专辑”的提名。参考资料:http://www.jay-z.cn


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