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= =英文的题目。。可是没有说一定要英文的课件?词的意思有很多么?我觉得还算很简单的呀。。

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千问 | 2010-3-5 20:30:28 | 显示全部楼层
那我一点点来吧1.Art那你可以先解释Art的意思the products of human creativity; works of art collectively同义词:fine artthe creation of beautiful or significant things同义词:artistic creation, artistic productiona superior skill that you can learn by study and practice and observation同义词:artistry, prowessphotographs or other visual representations in a printed publication同义词:artwork, graphics, nontextual matter然后你可以看看art在各方面的体现art and literatureCreating and expressing ones’ self through various media, such as art and literature, has been a desire of mankind since the beginning of time. Also an art form, literature has been used to express mankind's deepest observations, most profound thinking and firmest beliefs; it encompasses many genres such as drama, poetry and novels. While both the physical arts and literature are a form of self-expression, each also represents a profession. Explore the world of arts and literature and discover mankind’s fascination with self-expression. modern art Modern and contemporary art can be both baffling and beautiful, it can also be innovative, political, and disturbing. Closely informed by new critical approaches, this book sets out to provide the first concise interpretation of this period. Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, Cindy Sherman, and Damien Hirst are among many artists discussed, within the political and cultural worlds they inhabited. The theoretical and issue-based debates that have driven the art of this period art along are followed through the key movements of Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Minimalism, Conceptualism, Postmodernism. Science and ArtI beg leave to thank you for the extremely kind and apprieciative manner in which you have received the toast of science. It is the more grateful to me to hear that toast proposed in an assembly of this kind. Because I have noticed of late years a great and growing tendency among those who were once jestingly said to have been born pre-scientific age to look upon science as an invading and aggressive force, which if it had find its own way, it would oust from the universe all other pursuits. I think there are mang persons who look upon the new birth of our times as a sort of monster rising out of the sea of modern thought with the purpose of devouring thd Andromeda of art. And now and then a Perseus, equipped with the shoes of swiftness of the ready writer, and with the cap of invisibility of the editorial article,and it may be with the Medusahead of vituperation, shows herself ready to try conclusions with the scientific dragon. Sir, I hope that Perseus should think better of it. First, for the sake of his own, because the creature is hard of head, strong of jaw, for some time past has shown a great capacity for going over and through whatever comes in his way; and secondly, for the sake of justice, for I assure you, of my own personal knowledge if left alone, the creature is a very debonair and gentle monster. As for the Andromeda of art, the creatrue has the tenderest respect for the lady, and desires nothing more than to see her happily settled and annually pruducing a flock of such charming children as those we see about us.But putting parables aside, I am unable to understand how any one with a knowledge of mankind can imagine that the growth of science can threaten the development of art in any of its forms. If I understand the matter at all, science and art are the obverse and reverse of the Nature's medal;the one expressing the external order of things, in terms of feeling , and the other in terms of thought. When men no longer love nor hate; when suffering causes no pity, and the tale of great deeds ceases to thrill, when the lily of the field shall seem no longer more beautifully arrayed than the Solomon in all his glory, and the owe has vanished from the snow-capped peak and deep ravine, and indeed the science may have the world to itself, but it will not be because the monster has devoured the art, but because one side of human nature is dead, and because men have lost half of their ancient and present attributes.最后你可以写生活中的artArt of Living - Finding Its a Wonderful Life In Corrogue I am finding it's a wonderful life.Let me share with you how this happens. Apply the seven principles listed below and each day you too will come to enjoy more and more. Learn the real "Art of Living." Then you can really begin to enjoy this extraordinary gift we call "life." I use the term "Love Is Flowing Eternally," to remind me of the essence of our life's experience. This helps to remind me that we are all loved unconditionally.Lets begin with these seven steps to fulfilment.I have given each step a one-word title beginning with the letter P. This is to aid your memory. All these steps are important. Think of yourself going on a journey. This is a journey were you get to spiral upward. This spiralling upward takes you into greater and greater experiences of gladness and joy.1. PURPOSELearn the real Art of Living and come to know your purpose. More than this come "to be" your purpose. Where the needs of the world and your talents meet there lies your purpose. Make it a priority to celebrate whatever talent or talents you have. Concentrate on your strengths. You are a co-creator of this universe. Dream huge and allow your imagination free flow. Do not hide your light under a bushel. You are magnificent beyond your present thinking. Go out of your head a little. Come to your senses. Enter your heart. Learn from your "inner telling sense" the direction that will make your life worthwhile.2. PASSIONThe Art of Living requires passion for life. Passion is where your heart lies. It takes tremendous courage to allow the promptings of your heart. This is the meaning of the word "encourage." It means to move into your heart. Your hearts desires have been made subservient to the wants of others. You have been filled up via an education process that was meant to help you unfold. Its purpose was to flower your beauty and creativity. You are encouraged to be more concerned about your pension than your passion. As one of my favourite poets Rumi advises, "risk all for love." This risking our love is scary but we lose much of our life by refusing to take a flying leap. Come to the edge. Sometimes life will give you a push. Then you will find you can fly.3. PRESENCEPresence is a major key in practicing the Art of Living. Presence is one of the most essential ways to have a full and rewarding life. Remember to be present to your moment-to-moment experience. Discover your real relationship to time. Remember that the only time you have is NOW. This is the only time you can ever be present to wonder. Create more time for the people and actions that you love. Take time to discover the beauty of your essential self. Learn to know you are "forever enough."Each morning I see the beauty of life in the West of Ireland. This beauty is not just here but everywhere. Learn to look and gift yourself the present of a heart free of anxiety and longing. Learn to come home to your heart. Learn about your essence. Discover how to come home to what we call in Ireland "the Homeplace."4. PATIENCEThe Art of Living requires patience. When there are times of uncertainty, when there are times of doubt remember, "This too will pass." This phrase is too often seen in negative ways. Learn the wisdom of insecurity. Learn how to be with the flow of Love Is Flowing Eternally. This is important for a purpose filled; passion filled ever-present way of being in this world. This requires patience and more patience. It develops the facility of trust. You get to trust in your "inner telling sense." You come to know the answers for you. You come to insight and to knowing. In this way you get to pick up little pieces of heaven that are left lying all around for your delight.5. PERSISTENCE.Learn the Art of Living by approaching each day as the blessing it is. Learn to gently allow all you need to enter your life. Introduce yourself to the power of creative ritual.大致这样,你可以从资料里挑选一些出来。Art的就这样,如果ok的话你问题补充里说一下,我再帮你弄别的

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