
查看11 | 回复0 | 2010-3-23 14:36:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Lithium- don't want to lock me up inside抗抑郁剂 别让我沉默不语 Lithium- don't want to forget how it feels without别让我忘记 没有抗抑郁剂的忧伤 Lithium- I want to stay in love with my sorrow抗抑郁剂 我只想和我的哀伤一直相爱到老 Oh but God I want to let it go但我他妈的真的不想再抑郁下去了 Come to bed, don't make me sleep alone 来睡觉吧 别让我独自面对梦魇 Couldn't hide the emptiness you let it show你能不能不让我总是一脸空虚的样子 Never wanted it to be so cold我不想让我们之间总是冷场 Just didn't drink enough to say you love me 也不能把自己灌醉了 骗自己说其实你也爱我 I can't hold on to me我不能控制自己 Wonder what's wrong with me胡乱猜测着我是不是神经了 Lithium- don't want to lock me up inside抗抑郁剂 别让我沉默不语 Lithium- don't want to forget how it feels without别让我忘记 没有抗抑郁剂的忧伤 Lithium- I want to stay in love with my sorrow抗抑郁剂 我只想和我的哀伤一直相爱到老 Don't want to let it lay me down this time这回别指望着靠它就能让我睡去了 Drown my will to fly它只能强女干我的意志让我觉得欲仙欲死 Here in the darkness I know myself我呆在黑暗里 了解自己 Can't break free until I let it go除非戒掉它才能重获自由 Let me go重获自由 Darling, I forgive you after all亲爱的 我还是原谅你吧 Anything is better than to be alone 随便你做过什么 都比我孤单一人好上万分 And in the end I guess I had to fall我估计我最后得去嗑药吧 Always find my place among the ashes就像所有蜷在废墟里神情萎靡的那群人一样 I can't hold on to me我不能控制自己 Wonder what's wrong with me胡乱猜测着我是不是神经了 Lithium- don't want to lock me up inside抗抑郁剂 别让我沉默不语 Lithium- don't want to forget how it feels without别让我忘记 没有抗抑郁剂的忧伤 Lithium- I want to stay in love with my sorrow抗抑郁剂 我只想和我的哀伤一直相爱到老 Oh but God I want to let it go但我他妈的真的不想再抑郁下去了有点搞笑的网友翻译=。=

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