忍者神龟正式版1到底怎么输入那些作弊的东西啊 具体点

查看11 | 回复0 | 2007-8-17 21:03:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
下面的全都能用§ 1代的 Raph RDSRL DLDRS DSRRS LMMDR(加属性) SMLSR(换装,在选择人物时同时按下特殊攻击键) Don DRLDS LRLDD SDDLS(加属性) SDDLS(换装,在选择人物时同时按下特殊攻击键) Miky MSRMM LMLMS LSSDR(加属性) MDMSL(获得一种无限武器) MMMSL(换装,在选择人物时同时按下特殊攻击键) Leo LDDRS LMLSD SSRSL(加属性) MSRLR(换装,在选择人物时同时按下特殊攻击键) SRRDM(获得一种无限武器) 斯普林特 LDRSM(开启斯普林特故事模式) LSDRM(PLARMATES 解锁) 2代的 忍者神龟2-秘籍 游戏作弊码,password 里面输入的东西。 Password notes: Use the following key when entering the passwords. Note: The codes have no effect in tournament mode. L: Leonardo M: Michaelangelo D: Donatello R: Raphael S: Shredder Self Recovery: Enter DRMSRLR as a password. (慢速恢复HP) Health: (一直满血) Mighty Turtle: Enter LSDRRDR as a password. (无敌) Squeaking: Enter MLDSRDM as a password. (当物体被攻击时,声音XXX ???) Pizza Paradise: Enter MRLMRMR as a password. (所有含有食物的箱子,里面都变成皮萨) Toddling: Enter SSSMRDD as a password. (当你走路的时候会有奇怪的声音) Super-Tough: Enter RDSRMRL as a password.(敌人防御加倍) Nightmare: Enter SLSDRDL as a password.(敌人攻击加倍) Super Offense Power: Enter SDLSRLL as a password. (我方供给加倍) Super Defense Power: Enter LDRMRLM as a password. (我方防御加倍) Infinite Shuriken: Enter RSRLRSM as a password.(无限飞镖) Lose Shuriken: Enter RLMRDSL as a password. (禁止使用飞镖) ***以下为特殊装束***** New Nexus outfit for Donatello: Enter DSLRDRM as a password. New Nexus outfit for Leonardo: Enter LMRMDRD as a password. New Nexus outfit for Michelangelo: Enter MLMRDRM as a password. New Nexus outfit for Raphael: Enter RMSRMDR as a password. Playmates unlocked in bonus materials: Enter SRMLDDR as a password. Fatal Blow: Enter LRSRDRD as a password. (敌人有一击杀的能力) Abyss: Enter SDSDRLD as a password. (直接摔死) Poison: Enter DRSLLSR as a password. (中毒,慢慢少血) Challenge Mode Endurance: Enter MRMDRMD as a password.(精力恢复不能)参考资料:http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/27209022.html?fr=qrl3


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