
查看11 | 回复6 | 2010-2-15 15:14:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
是不是stronger in Moscow

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千问 | 2010-2-15 15:14:53 | 显示全部楼层
Speechless开头结尾有回音大海的声音是什么意思?海浪声吗?你先下下来听听吧~即使不是这首,Speechless也是一首极佳的歌曲你不会后悔的~呵呵http://,http://figtreeonline.com/the_music_tree/hKKYmZieo52kpTM$.mp3,,[Speechless]&ct=134217728&tn=baidusg,speechless%20%20&si=speechless;;michael+jackson;;165736;;165736&lm=16777216&sgid=3 无以言表 Your love is magical, that‘s how I feel 你的爱是如此的不可思议,这就是给我的感觉 But I have not the words here to explain 我岂能用言辞去形容 Gone is the grace for expressions of passion 迷恋是对激情优雅的表述 But there are worlds and worlds of ways to explain 但我还有无数的方式去描述 To tell you how I feel 向你表达我的感受 But I am speechless, speechless 可我却像失了声一样,哑口无言 That‘s how you make me feel 这就是你给我的感觉 Though I‘m with you I am far away and nothing is for real 可遇不可及,美得不真实 When I‘m with you I am lost for words, I don‘t know what to say 与你相聚时我呆哑,不知该说些什么 My head‘s spinning like a carousel, so silently I pray 脑筋好比旋转木马般转呐转呐,我于是默默祈祷 Helpless and hopeless, that‘s how I feel inside 无助与绝望,这是我内心的感受 Nothing‘s real, but all is possible if God is on my side 一切就像虚幻,可如果是得到了上帝的宠幸,一切皆有可能 When I‘m with you I am in the light where I cannot be found 和你一起时我仿佛消失在你的光芒中 It‘s as though I am standing in the place called Hallowed Ground 我仿佛站在一片叫做圣土的地方 Speechless, speechless, that‘s how you make me feel 无言,哑口无言,那就是你给我的感觉 Though I‘m with you I am far away and nothing is for real 可遇不可及,美得不真实 I‘ll go anywhere and do anything just to touch your face 我愿踏足任何土地、付出一切仅仅为了触摸你的脸颊 There‘s no mountain high I cannot climb 没有我无法攀登的高峰 I‘m humbled in your grace 在你的光芒里我是如此渺小 Speechless, speechless, that‘s how you make me feel 无言,哑口无言,那就是你给我的感觉 Though I‘m with you I am lost for words and nothing is for real 与你相聚时我呆哑,不知该说些什么 Speechless, speechless, that‘s how you make me feel 无言,哑口无言,那就是你给我的感觉 Though I‘m with you I am far away, and nothing is for real 可遇不可及,美得不真实 Speechless, speechless, that‘s how you make me feel 无言,哑口无言,那就是你给我的感觉 Though I‘m with you I am lost for words and nothing is for real 可遇不可及,美得不真实 中英文歌词对照:Speechless 无言 Your love is magical, that‘s how I feel 你的爱是如此的不可思议,这就是给我的感觉 But in your presence I am lost for words 可你一出现我却梗塞了,说不出话来 Words like, like,"I love you." 比如...比如:“我爱你”

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2010-2-15 15:14:53 | 显示全部楼层
cry 棒

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2010-2-15 15:14:53 | 显示全部楼层
stronger in Moscow 是这首歌吧 很悲凉的感觉 前面有下雨的声音,MJ唱歌也是空灵飘渺的感觉

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千问 | 2010-2-15 15:14:53 | 显示全部楼层
STRANGER IN MOSCOW以下是巨鲸网的试听:http://search.top100.cn/searchdefault.aspx?keyword=stranger%20in%20moscow#(你选专辑是HISTORY:PAST,PRES的)另外,此首歌现场表演也是美轮美奂,以下是土豆网的链接:http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/QzHKWG45YqM/参考资料:ALL FOR LOVE

已赞过已踩过<是不是HEAL THE WORLD

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2010-2-15 15:14:53 | 显示全部楼层
dangerous 危险 ??

使用道具 举报

千问 | 2010-2-15 15:14:53 | 显示全部楼层
speechless以清唱开头和结尾 错不了!

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